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Posts posted by Novaking

  1. I was wondering has anyone from the company said that is an auto,i know they said hunting gun,i have a bad feeling it is an over-under with three barrels.I have seen and heard this twice,God i hope not.


    Its an auto, It says so.

  2. maybe your not as smart as you claim.the definetion of a poacher is some one that "knowingly" shoots or takes game out of season, or has no license, exceds the limit,our shoots after hours or by spot light, including hunting within 100' of a road or hiway. as well as hunting from a car . unless parapledgic.


    here in Illinois, you have to have a waterfowl stamp on your hunting licence. When the seasons over,(even if you didn't know it was over) The stamp has expiried. If that is true in Texas, you didn't have a license.

  3. Sarcasm is not permitted on this forum unless your name is Tucker.


    Tucker, Tucker who?


    hey Monte, I didn't know you where the police around here now. Here is a new police car for you. You will need to put your own lights on it but you can see it has a wheelchair ramp so you can get in easy. ;)



  4. I would also say keep the light. If you can't see what your shooting at, all the shells in the world won't save you.


    I mean really, how many people here have been in a Home Defence situation. And thoughs who have, how many have used the "extra shells" the Ext. mag tube will give you. And thoughs people, how many have had to reload after you cleared that tube. I bet the number of people is zero, or close to zero.


    The light, how many have used a weapon light thinking there is someone in your house or someone or something outside your house. I HAVE!!


    I say the light is the more important than the mag tube and the shell carrier. Just my opinion.

  5. i prefer after seasons been open a few weeks. we dont have many quail in n.central texas too many fireants.pheasents are nearly non existant.but i do love dove season. the problem is i limit out too fast on opening day. i can get 14 birds in an hour on a good day.i like when them micro F-16,s get about 100ft in the air movin about 70mph.:D



    you shoot a duck out of season by your worried about a bag limit.

  6. Thank you for your reply. The reason is as follows: hunting ducks with waders on, I ended up in the water as I chased a 'cripple' and my foot stepped into a depression in an otherwise hard and flat bottom of the lake. Although the shotgun itself did not get wet, 'moist' shells eventually ended up in the magazine. I think I did a pretty good job spraying inside of the magazine with water-removing lubricant (after depressing the spring full-distance) but still I would like a follow-up to make sure any moisture has been completely removed.



    Can't you take the mag. cap off, take the plug and and spring out and get to it from that way?

  7. You get an A+ for creativity, but you made a B- on grammar. There should be a comma after "snowstorm," and there should be a period at the end of the parenthetical section in the first sentence. However, your creativity far outshines these minute shortcomings! Keep up the good work! I really enjoyed your post.


    Best wishes,


    Your freshman English teacher (from 43 years ago?)



    my grammer isn't as good because my English teacher was (most likely) alot better looking than you.:D

  8. Update on my Benelli Nova problem. I returned the gun to Gander Mountain in early January. They sent it back to Benelli, as it is still under warranty (purchased in October, 2008 as a turkey gun). I saved SEVEN misfired shells from the last time I used it (which was the third time overall). The Gander gunsmith told me they have sent "a bunch" of Benelli's back and many have not been returned, some of which were sent back as early as November. He also said that it is really hard to get hold of Benelli to check on the status of returned guns.


    So, here I sit without this shotgun, and Gander could give me no assurance that I would have any type of answer before my spring turkey hunt (starting 4/20/09).


    If I do not have a turkey gun to replace this one shortly expect Gander to replace it or allow me to buy an upgrade. If they do not cooperate, it will be the last time I will patronize Gander Mountain, besides doing whatever I need to do legally to address this. Fortunately, I will not need to hire an attorney, since I am one.


    If they are not working on the gun, and they are sending it to Benelli, what can you do to them. Gander Mountain sells alot of stuff, They can't just let you trade up for for broken shotgun. It doesn't work like that, At least not very often.


    Trust me, I've been in your shoes with a broken shotgun. I understand, I was pissed to. But my friend let me have one of his until mine came back. Then I went to buy a benelli, and everthing is good.


    Good luck,



  9. Noob question. When cleaning my M3 S90 I noticed a line on the barrel bluing on each side of the barrel where the pump seems to make contact with the barrel. Is this normal wear? I only ask because I don't see the same wear in pictures online. Thanks in advance!



    All Three of my novas do that. What can you do?:D

  10. Sorry about the spelling its not my strong point , thats my common scense:D,and im slowley learning about the forum and what not to say , and yes i like peace and harmony they were sisters:)


    We only forgive you because we know your handycapped being left handed.

  11. I think i ruffeld a few feathers on the watterfoul sight could have used some help , tucker got his 2 cents worth in but i got told :o some day ill learn, NOT ,thanks fore trying Tucker


    I thought all of you canadians were in to peace and harmony!!:p

  12. yes i agree it is fore the Habitat , im with you there 100% i just thought it was supposto benifit the hunters as well . and i guess if there are more ducks THEN its better fore the hunter , OK ,i just am really frustrated in my area with them and i guess i vented in the wrong place :cool:



    Your being a pain in the azz ;)

  13. well im looking to get a nice high capacity shotgun to be able to play with. so far i have looked at the remington 11-87p, saiga 12s and others. i am liking the benelli but im concerned with what everybody says about the recoil of the m2 i have looked for aftermarket recoil pads for the m2 and havnt found anything. should i be looking at a diffrent shotgun ?



    If your thinking tactical than relieably should come into concern. M2 or any benelli shotgun fit that bill. 11-87 will work as long as you take a great amount of time keeping them clean. There is mixed opinions on the saiga 12

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