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No respect


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This was during the pledge on Veterans day.

Yeah He also went to Japan to Apologize for the 2 Bombs dropped there! Those two bombs have saved more lives than is imaginable. Since the time of history the increase in death due to war has steadily risen yearly, millions of lives have been lost due to war and since than the increase has dropped off right into a decline and is now down to a trickle of deaths a year due to war.

He has no respect and I can't Believe his public display of it. I can't believe he is our President!:mad:

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I'm far from being any type of Presidential apologist but, I declare shenanigans! This is not a photo from Veterans Day it is from Memorial Day and I believe it has been Photo Shopped. I reviewed some video footage of the ceremony and it appears the President did place his hand on his heart at the same time the uniformed officers were saluting.




If anyone has evidence to the contrary I'm willing to keep an open mind. I could not find any footage of the event that matched the photo and there are numerous posted examples. The photo may have been a brief instant before or after the footage I found but I see nothing disrespectful in his demeanor in the footage I reviewed.


Sorry to spoil the dog pile but fair's fair! Let's try to get angry over factual issues and not inflammatory rhetoric with no substance (or in this case, truth).

Edited by OhioM4
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I'm far from being any type of Presidential apologist but, I declare shenanigans! This is not a photo from Veterans Day it is from Memorial Day and I believe it has been Photo Shopped. I reviewed some video footage of the ceremony and it appears the President did place his hand on his heart at the same time the uniformed officers were saluting.




If anyone has evidence to the contrary I'm willing to keep an open mind. I could not find any footage of the event that matched the photo and there are numerous posted examples. The photo may have been a brief instant before or after the footage I found but I see nothing disrespectful in his demeanor in the footage I reviewed.


Sorry to spoil the dog pile but fair's fair! Let's try to get angry over factual issues and not inflammatory rhetoric with no substance (or in this case, truth).


I just saw the video. Yes, he did have his hand up. Why he had his head down when they prayed is another question.

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Yep - a lot of folks are just plain upset that our president has a good tan. I too am disappointed in the current democratic administration, so much so, that I am now an independent. However, this does not justify the outrageous lies that are being spread about President Obama. He is a very intelligent and thoughtful man. Those of you who didn't get Caribou Barbie as vice-president really need to remember that we live in a democracy and the vote went the other way. To offer a a variation on a quote "Love this democracy or leave it". We cannot have a civilized discussion if the "facts" are fabricated. Check the facts before you start your rant. Google works really well for fact checking and it's easy.

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How was that America became so desperate for change to begin with?


This crap really does get old.

Death Panels, Un-American, Muslim, Born in Kenya, and so on and on and on.


Give a friggin' rest already.

In just ten months, somehow everything that the circus from the previous 8 years screwed up and cluster%@ed, has suddenly become his fault?


I hope he doesn't fail!

We already had about all of the failure this nation can bear.

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Yep -#1 a lot of folks are just plain upset that our president has a good tan. #2 Those of you who didn't get Caribou Barbie as vice-president

here we go with another RACE BAITER!!!:rolleyes: and as far as your facts, FACT-YES president SPENDBAMA has been on his apology tour ever since he took office!! FACT- the people that voted OBUMMER into the whitehouse are the ones who in NO WAY checked the facts on WHO was more qualified. SARAH PALIN has more experience in her pinky finger when it comes to running ANYTHING than your idol OBUMMER!! and you guys made the election between SP and OBUMMER not the repubs.;) last but not least, SP ran a city, a state and had at that time one of the highest approval ratings in the country. just out of curiosity, what did OBUMMER do to have the experience you claimed he had?? 1# never any real job running anything, EVER!! 2# senator in which he won mighty scantily, with so many votes as PRESENT!! one never really knew which side of the argument he was on!! OBUMMER-- sounds like even you have BUYERS REMORSE!! by the way, thanks for voting the man into office that will go down as the worst president in U.S. history!!

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How was that America became so desperate for change to begin with?


This crap really does get old.

Death Panels, Un-American, Muslim, Born in Kenya, and so on and on and on.


Give a friggin' rest already.

In just ten months, somehow everything that the circus from the previous 8 years screwed up and cluster%@ed, has suddenly become his fault?


I hope he doesn't fail!

We already had about all of the failure this nation can bear.


My problems with him:


Failed stimulus plan that wasted tonnes of money.


Healthcare bill that promises to burn even more money and cause lots of other problems.


Budget plans for spending as much money as Bush did in TWO terms, in one.

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I agree 110% with you. You see Gold prices @ the all time high. The US Dollar @ a the lowest in my life time. His Stimulus is just Donkey DOO. When will we see the 20 thousand page health care bill? That's about 5 reams of paper. And the Tax Payers are the ones going to get reamed.

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Can we get back to talking shotguns? I get enough lies and BS from the news media. Isn't this website mediated? If not it needs to be.
oh you mean-CNN,ABC,NBC AND MSNBC?? and this is the kind of sensorship CR-P thats ruining this country!!!and again coming from a used-to-be DUMOCRAT!!;) if you choose to debate, well good.and if you dont like it, turn the page and quit WHINING!!!:rolleyes: NO-ONE is forcing you to be here!!!
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I agree 110% with you. You see Gold prices @ the all time high. The US Dollar @ a the lowest in my life time. His Stimulus is just Donkey DOO. When will we see the 20 thousand page health care bill? That's about 5 reams of paper. And the Tax Payers are the ones going to get reamed.


Plus his admitting that his trade regulations will drive energy costs wayyyy up. Nice. Lovin him even more. FAIL

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