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M1S90: Pistol or standard grip preference?


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No patience to try and search this so sorry if covered. For the older M1 Super 90, which do you prefer and why? Does pistol grip help with functioning of the bolt due to better recoil control, does it just get in the way or feel unnatural, other pros and cons? :rolleyes:

Edited by hoser45
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YES!!:D and to be honest, if you're not gonna use it for hunting at all, go with the pistol grip stock cause its much easier to manuever with on hand while in a gunfight than without the pistol grip.;)


like your gonna get into a gunfight,,your so chicken skeeter peter eater ,,you let your boyfriend beachya,,you lil biatchhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that so many shooters get hung up on "MUST HAVE PISTOL GRIP!, OMG, its a Tacticool Shotgun!!"

Without ever having taken one single tactical shotgun course, or shooting in a 3-gun match.


A PG stock feels GREAT!,,,,,,,,,,,,,in your living room.

Though, look at the worlds top 3-gun and tactical shooters.

Nearly all of them run field stocks, and there is a reason for that.

A PG stock was invented for one purpose. To keep your shotgun aimed in the threat direction while you used you other hand for something else, like opening a door. Thats it. It evolved into turkey guns. Unless you are a door-kicker(which your most likely are not) a PG stock will probably slow you down.


Dont think that a field stock takes anything away from your tactical shotgun. Im not saying its the best for everyone, but at least give a field stock a try.

No, not shooting beer cans in your buddies pasture, but in a real shotgun class. Give yourself and your gun a real workout with both configurations, and I bet that you will be running back to a field stock.

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To keep your shotgun aimed in the threat direction while you used you other hand for something else, like opening a door or using the telephone, such as to call 911.


Fixed, and agreed.


However, I have SO much more control with a PG stock than a standard stock. A wise man once said:


"Give me pistol grip. or give me death." - h.bowman

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No patience to try and search this so sorry if covered. For the older M1 Super 90, which do you prefer and why? Does pistol grip help with functioning of the bolt due to better recoil control, does it just get in the way or feel unnatural, other pros and cons? :rolleyes:


It seems to be a matter of weapon retention during fights as far as many are concerned. And the cool factor of course.

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