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My Almost Done (for now) M4 ...

John P.

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I'd wait for the minimalist rail system from SideArmor. For simply mounting a light, the current versions are a little overkill. When the minimalist one is released, I'll sell mine off and get one to reduce weight and bulk.


It should mount the light slightly further forward as well. The current setups work, but if it was an inch or two further forward, it would be ideal for my grip placement.


Looks good, but it does look heavy.

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Very nice. How you like the sidearmor? Really been eyeing it a lot lately.


Extremely well made. Seems like a very solid platform. I had the KZ rail before, and chose not to keep it because I didn't need a bottom rail, and the diameter was a little too large for my hand.


I understand that lighter is better in many's minds, but if I'm trekking I'd use my VTAC sling. If I was after something really light, I probably wouldn't go for the m4 in the first place.

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Yeah my buddy with an M2 rags on my M4 cause of it's weight which I get, but my rifle is super lightweight and while my M4 does weigh a little more than the M2 I just don't feel the weight diff on the shotty is that big a deal. I don't compete or anything with mine so it is more for home defense or SHTF.

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Did you buy a Benelli m4 because of its light weight?


I asked how much it weighs, I didn't say your gun, or the M4 in general was too heavy or light. I wanted to know how much more it weighed as configured, with extra rounds in the shell holders, to compare to the weight of my basic M4.


I love how some(apparently weak) people like to talk about how heavy the M4 is. Seriously, it isn't that heavy. Maybe some folks need to hit the gym.


Maybe some folks don't need to be so easily butthurt, or read more into questions.

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I don't own a scale, but I'd guess:


M4 = 7.8 lbs give or take

Kip tube = less than stock

Sidearmor rail and shell holder = 1.7 lbs


So probably 9 whopping lbs max. Not sure about weight of the factory stock vs. Urbino.


This weighs less than an ak47, I believe, and skinny people have been using them for 50 years.

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I had not really thought about the added weight until now, its complete but a bit heavy. I can live with the compromise of added weight for increased functionality and styling.


Here's a list of mods: OE C-stock & mag ext, CC Wolff spring, Brugger & Thommet rail, Brownells follower, DMW safety, GG&G bolt release, Trulock choke, Burris Fastfire2, KZ charging handle, Sidearmor short rail & 8 shell holder, Daniel Defense sling adapter, Mesa Tactical sling adapter, BFG Vickers sling. (optional) Tango Down VFG and Surefire M962 light.



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It's not about carry weight. Reductions in weight help speed up how fast you can bring the weapon onto target. How fast you can swing, stop, engage and move to additional targets. The more front heavy you make the weapon, the slower you will be at engaging targets. Try moving in and out of small rooms with it. Generally, you're lowering the barrel to snug up against corners and snapping the barrel onto targets on the other side.


If you stand in a square range and fire at paper targets in good lighting, weight reduction doesn't matter much.

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Re-weigh it loaded. ;) Probably close to 13 pounds with the shell carrier full. Put the light on too! You're in dire need of a Titanium tube.


I've ran light and heavy setups on the M4. I decided to dump the heavy, and move spare ammunition off of the weapon as a result. California Competition Speed Loaders or even a bandoleer works OK. The bandoleer's are good for a grab and go setup.


BTW, I'm still waiting for Mesa to send me that damn replacement hardware for the sling mount. 3 weeks now from HellA to Arizona.

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I would call Mesa again, sounds like they forgot to throw your screws in the mail. I have a bandoleer but i decided to go with the Sidearmor system. I decided for me that a little heavy was better than not carrying ammo on the gun. Besides, if I cannot stop a threat with 16 slugs in my own home I deserve to die.

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I'm on my third attempt on trying to get the replacement hardware. I'm about to say screw it and build my own with the magpul unit we discussed. I know the second I order it, the hardware will arrive.


So you're running all slugs now too? Nice!


I had to use mine last night to check out the yard. Someone did a stop and go at our gate. My mother lives with me now, and she is involved in a B&E case that is going through a jury trial. So she's a bit spooked at night since she's the primary witness.

Needless to say, the Meprolights that everyone bemoans are quite bright if you live in a area that you can see more than 10 stars.

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