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Gun Dipping ?'s


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Which companies do re dipping for camo shotguns? Is it just Benelli? If so will Benelli re-dip other companies shotguns? Also can you have a wood gun dipped in camo? My friend has a Beretta AL 391 and its wood stock but feels very syntheticy.


And just out of curisoty how does the re-dipping process work? Like how do they get the pattern. My guess would be multiple dips in different color with taping off patterns.

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as tucker mentioned Gander Mountain offers this service, too and more than likely they send it out to someone to apply the finish???


the finish is actually applied using a "film" that gets transfered to the gun parts when they are "dipped" into the "film" the color and pattern adhere to the gun surfaces. wood can be "dipped" but it may require a primer to get the "film" to adhere properly...even some synthetic pieces are primed to get a good adhesion.


that's my 2 cents...

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I want to have my black Vinci dipped with Mossy Oak Duck Blind. Here in Texas, we have early teal season in September when the mosquitos are thick. I use a deet solution to keep them off. I hear that deet will harm the camo finish. Does anyone have any experience with this?

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My nelli's camo finish is Max4 HD. It was a gift from my parents but I never go duck hunting, or any kind of bird hunting for that matter. Well on Christmas morning my Dad took me to shoot it and I was in love with it and didnt have the heart to tell me dad that i wanted to change it out for an APG camo pattern type. So i decided to look into the dipping industry. Well after talking to many people and after using my gun now for almost 3 years i can say that the camo pattern really makes no difference! As long as your gun is broke up and blends with your surroundings it doesnt matter what the pattern is.


just curious tho? how much does something like this cost?? :p

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