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To choke or not to choke?


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Hey Fellas,

It's Friday before a long weekend, so I suspect the forum will have a lot of visits......

I have a M1014 and thinking about having the bbl threaded for choke after seeing a couple posts by SD about service offered by Rose Action Sports. Note, when I purchased my M1014, it was advertised as M4 and I had no idea of the difference at the time. I have only a couple hundred rounds fired but it has happily consumed the various loads from light target to buck to slugs without a single hiccup - so why bother? 


For you M4 owners, do you change the choke or just run what the gun came with? If you do change it, what's your favorite and why (dedicating the M4 for a specific range distance/load? Setting up the M4 for competition? ...etc)?

For you M1014 owners who have threaded your bbl, what's your go-to choke and why?

Keeping it stock, should I avoid any particular load ....3" mag slug for example? 

Any and all comments/suggestions are appreciated.

Happy Labor Day weekend!





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If you take a new barrel and cut it for chokes, the cut area loses the chrome lining. And you can't re line the barrel to the same factory standards, especially with the gas block...

I honestly think you are over thinking this. The M4 ships with one threaded choke, the M1014 nothing at all; one barrel length*. You are better off buying better ammo. Feed it shit-tier ammo; you will get shit patterns. Federal flightcontrol wad is pretty much the best for buckshot. Having owned both guns, I prefer the barrel without chokes.

*excluding 14" NFA and European 19.5"

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56 minutes ago, Vertigofirearms said:

If you take a new barrel and cut it for chokes, the cut area loses the chrome lining. And you can't re line the barrel to the same factory standards, especially with the gas block...

I honestly think you are over thinking this. The M4 ships with one threaded choke, the M1014 nothing at all; one barrel length*. You are better off buying better ammo. Feed it shit-tier ammo; you will get shit patterns. Federal flightcontrol wad is pretty much the best for buckshot. Having owned both guns, I prefer the barrel without chokes.

*excluding 14" NFA and European 19.5"

That's pretty helpful to me, who like the member who posted the question, sometimes I get caught up in the "too many choices" thing. I'm figuring I'll just go order the M4 Barrel that comes with the Modified Choke for about $600 or so and then I'll have factory options, since all M4 barrels will fit all M4's and M41014'S, and I won't have any compliance or functioning issues. And I'll save on that other $1800 for the full M4 Tactical? I'll be around $1200 in the plus??? Well, sort of???

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I’d ask around here if anyone wants to trade barrels. Some prefer the fixed choke as one less part that can fail. From time to time you see barrels for sale on auction sites for around 400 with the gas system. Buying that vs getting the machine work done might be a better option. 

I personally don’t change the choke in my M4. It works well for buck and slugs. The only time I put birdshot thru it is just to test low dram loads or to screw around. 

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