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Dont want to Start a Political Debate but.............


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Did anybody catch the comment that President Obama said about reinstating the assault weapons ban? In his 4 year term he stated that he witnessed 5 brutal shootings. Also stated in his hometown Chicago, criminals arent using AK47's, they are using cheap handguns. Thoughts??

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There's not a dime's worth of difference between the two of those two collectivist losers, in their stone cold wicked hearts they are both lockstep in complete harmony with the worst of the gungrabbers despite their very vocal protestations. Carry on as if either one of them will outright ban anything and everything via an EO first rattle out of the box next year (just like 'NRA Lifemember' G.H.W. Bush did).

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Did anybody catch the comment that President Obama said about reinstating the assault weapons ban? In his 4 year term he stated that he witnessed 5 brutal shootings.


I highly doubt President Obama personally witnessed 5 brutal shootings during his term.


Also stated in his hometown Chicago, criminals arent using AK47's, they are using cheap handguns. Thoughts??


The best part is, Chicago and Illinois have as many gun laws as any place in the US yet their crime rate continues to escalate...they should definitely enact some more laws to try to correct the problem.




What do they say, when guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns.

Edited by RDA1
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If another law would fix the problem, just make murder/killing illegal...oh wait, it already is, so there shouldn't be any problems. Gun laws only apply to law abiding citizens.

While I'm not impressed with either of them, I think a 2nd-termer (without having to worry about getting re-elected) is more dangerous (and Obama has made comments to that end). Besides, Romney said machine guns are illegal, so his ignorance may just help :). Either way, we're all screwed 'cus neither is worth a damn (JMHO).

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Definition of an Assault Weapon?? This is what the 1994 ban included.


Assault weapon (semi-automatic) refers primarily (but not exclusively) to firearms that possess the cosmetics of an assault rifle (which are fully-automatic). Semi-automatic firearms, when fired, automatically extract the spent cartridge casing and load the next cartridge into the chamber, ready to fire again; they do not fire automatically like a machine gun; rather, only one round is fired with each trigger pull.

In the former U.S. law, the legal term assault weapon included certain specific semi-automatic firearm models by name (e.g., Colt AR-15, TEC-9, non select-fire AK-47s produced by three manufacturers, and Uzis) and other semi-automatic firearms because they possess a minimum set of cosmetic features from the following list of features:


Semi-automatic rifles able to accept detachable magazines and two or more of the following:


Semi-automatic pistols with detachable magazines and two or more of the following:

  • Magazine that attaches outside the pistol grip
  • Threaded barrel to attach barrel extender, flash suppressor, handgrip, or suppressor
  • Barrel shroud that can be used as a hand-hold
  • Unloaded weight of 50 oz (1.4 kg) or more
  • A semi-automatic version of a fully automatic firearm.

Semi-automatic shotguns with two or more of the following:

  • Folding or telescoping stock
  • Pistol grip
  • Fixed capacity of more than 5 rounds
  • Detachable magazine.

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I'm rather surprised that Obama touched this issue. His koolaid drinking base is already behind him. It seems like this issue would push more voters away from him than pull any undecided in with the masses overwhelmingly orientating themselves with the libertarian moniker.


I'm pretty sure Obama is done barring some massive election fraud on his part. I literally have not seen a single Obama sticker or yard sign this year. Period. Last election cycle, they were everywhere. The morons were mobilized in mass to vote for every freebie they could ever dream of. This time, the young aren't even remotely excited about him. I see far more signage for local elections than the Presidential one.


Even when Mittens does get in, I don't expect to see any roll backs of the crap Obama pushed through. Government rarely gives up claimed ground. Republican Presidents tend to be the ones to push through firearm bans that really screw us over in the end. I've had my early voter ballot for about a week now, I'm still trying to decide if I can hold my nose and vote for Mittens like I did for McCain. In the end, it only becomes a vote against Obama rather than for someone I actually like...

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I have found that most politicians and media talking heads are ignorant of gun laws, ignorant about types of firearms, confusue terms, misrepresent the purchasing process and in some cases just make it up. They are ignorant because they don't know, and they are stupid because they don't care to know.


Law-abiding citizens that have guns (hunting, open carry, conceal carry) know and understand the laws associated with their use. The overwhelming majority of law-abiding citizens have trained with their weapons for safety and accuracy. Criminals don't care about the laws and their training is little to none.


And finally, I find it sad that there has to exist a lobbying group (i.e. NRA) to watch our government to insure they do not violate the 2nd Amendment. Whereas, the NRA should be spending all its time and money "educating" all age and gender groups about firearms.


Those that watched the second Romney-Obama debate saw ignorance on gun laws. Your choice, but which one will be easier to educate?

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I'm voting for the capitalist in this race. He will protect the gun industry, which is one of the few sectors that have done well these last few years.


You're not talking about that lying Mitt for Brains are you? Be advised that he is NOT a 'capitalist' he IS a fascist (the 'other brand' of collectivist). And a lying through his teeth to say ANYTHING to get elected sort of fascist (is there any other kind?). His track record on guns SUCKS.


Watch that liar stutter -



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You're not talking about that lying Mitt for Brains are you? Be advised that he is NOT a 'capitalist' he IS a fascist (the 'other brand' of collectivist). And a lying through his teeth to say ANYTHING to get elected sort of fascist (is there any other kind?). His track record on guns SUCKS.


Scary, yet still the lesser of two evils.

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+1, RDA1, on the "lesser of two evils" part. Speaking of lying and saying anything to get elected...hmmm, sounds suspiciously like the person in office now, and his record is proving it, which is why people are giving up on him. Ooops, political debate is started!

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Scary, yet still the lesser of two evils.


I dunno about that - I can't stand either one of those swine however I'm thinking Mitt for Brains is even more evil than the Commie-in Chief since he tells bigger whoppers and cannot swallow enough for the love of his life Bibi.


There's absolutely NO denying that Mitt for Brains is a bona fide gungrabber, he's proved it. A leopard cannot change it's spots.


"...the sole purpose of assault weapons is for hunting down and killing people..." --Mitt for Brains as he signed the Mass. assault weapons ban as Mass. gov.


Mitt for brains is NO friend of gunowners. The downside is that if and when Mitt for Brains pulls a Bush 1 move there's unlikely to be any uproar out of other GOPers like there would be if the Communist Kenyan did the exact same thing due to 'party loyalty' (puke). I realize the truth hurts, but we have a liberal masquerading as a something else entirely and is just as dangerous as any other collectivist with any other label. Deal with it.

Edited by Sukhoi_fan
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I dunno about that - I can't stand either one of those swine however I'm thinking Mitt for Brains is even more evil than the Commie-in Chief since he tells bigger whoppers and cannot swallow enough for the love of his life Bibi.


There's absolutely NO denying that Mitt for Brains is a bona fide gungrabber, he's proved it. A leopard cannot change it's spots.


"...the sole purpose of assault weapons is for hunting down and killing people..." --Mitt for Brains as he signed the Mass. assault weapons ban as Mass. gov.


Mitt for brains is NO friend of gunowners. The downside is that if and when Mitt for Brains pulls a Bush 1 move there's unlikely to be any uproar out of other GOPers like there would be if the Communist Kenyan did the exact same thing due to 'party loyalty' (puke). I realize the truth hurts, but we have a liberal masquerading as a something else entirely and is just as dangerous as any other collectivist with any other label. Deal with it.


I understand and it is clear you have much disdain for him, but with the NRA endorsement, I imagine the NRA will do everything they can to make sure he doesn't forget that if he obtains the office.


I am pretty confident that the current President, if given a second term, would have no qualms about initiating as much gun control as possible with no reelection to be concerned with. Look at what he has done with his US apology tour, his stance on nuclear weapons, his favoritism towards Muslim countries, his general lack of respect for the Constitution in general, his comment to Putin in confidence, his disdain of Israel and Great Britain and many of our traditional allies, Fast and Furious, his Chicago roots, his comment about cheap hand guns during the last debate, I could go on and on but why bother.

Edited by RDA1
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I thank Reagan, the darling of the Republican party every time I check the prices of transferable machine guns too. Thank you Bush Sr for the common sense 1989 import ban. Each time you guys get flustered over 922® compliance, you can clink a rat poison filled glass to our dear Republican Bush Sr.


Certainly we'll do well with a vulture capitalist like Robme. Perhaps he could outsource our ship building and fighter production to the communist Chinese to save a buck.


Seriously, who had Romney as their first choice out of all the Republicans during the selection cycle? Do you know a single person who wanted him? I don't know a single person who liked him. He wouldn't have even been their third or fourth choice. Is this an east coast thing, or did we get scammed like when McCain all of a sudden pulled the nomination out of his a$$?

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lol, yeah I'm sure precisely like they did after Bush 1 betrayed American gunowners within 90 days of taking office. lololololol


Good point, and I don't have a crystal ball. Like I said previously though, lesser of two evils, and my vote is not based on just one issue (i.e., the second amendment).

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"Keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill" = 'the gateway drug' for the gungrabbers' addiction -




Served your country and now you have PTSD? Guess what - you're now considered 'mentally ill'.


And sadly the truth of the matter is that neither of the two swine running for teleprompter-reader-in-chief have our best interests at heart.

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