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Are all of Us Gun Owners Gutless???


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I know your not gutless. We need your support. This is a time to stick together for what we believe in.


This is a nationwide petition that has started and directed towards the the whitehouse and President Obama. Please as gun owners we need to take the time to register then sign the petition to gain as many signatures as possible. There are currently 40,000 + signatures on this. Thats not very many. We can do better. Come on guys, we need to let our goverment know that there are many of us that will stand together and fight for for the preservation of our current gun rights. Please take the time to register and sign this petition, it only takes about 10 minutes. and oh yah, please forward this message.



Edited by Zeke
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Did it yesterday when GunsAmerica sent me an e-mail.


There are a whole bunch of "Nervous Nellie's" that think registering on a Gov'ment site will cause the black helicopters to descend on to their super secret lair. Don't be so delusional folks... they've known about you for years. ;) ;)

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Did it yesterday when GunsAmerica sent me an e-mail.


There are a whole bunch of "Nervous Nellie's" that think registering on a Gov'ment site will cause the black helicopters to descend on to their super secret lair. Don't be so delusional folks... they've known about you for years. ;) ;)


Thanks for the words of encouragement ! I know its not going to change whats on their aganda, but it WILL show the gun grabbers how many people are STILL concerned and pissed off about what is being suggested as a solution. Also it will show how FAST we can put this list together! There are a lot of guys just like you and I, and we need to get as many names on this list ! This country has a crap load of law abiding gun guys, its my job to find em! Oh by the way, thanks for signing !

....this petition was generated on 12/16/2012

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I don't see harm if someone really wants to sign this, but keep in mind that president does not give a damn about what gun owners think, and is not interested in including gun owners in the "national conversation" about this crime, regardless of the verbal bones he throws to his lapdog media. What will be more effective is to send something similar to make your views known to your congressional representative and, if you live in a red or purple state, to both of your senators-- especially if they are up for re-election in 2014.

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There is only one organization that has the power to stand between us and THEM and that's the NRA. Four million strong today, we need to double that this year. It's sad to say, but dollars the only thing that sway politicians... we are up against billionairs Bloomberg and Sorous. The NRA is our strongest weapon. UNITE!


Joe B

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There is only one organization that has the power to stand between us and THEM and that's the NRA. Four million strong today, we need to double that this year. It's sad to say, but dollars the only thing that sway politicians... we are up against billionairs Bloomberg and Sorous. The NRA is our strongest weapon. UNITE!


Joe B


Pardon me Joe, but are you completely clueless??? The NRA has a solid history of selling out gunowners at every possible turn, e.g. NFA '34, GCA '68 (the beginning of the form 4473 and the end of mail order guns), McClure-Volkmer '86 (the machinegun ban), NICS (which requires one to get *permission* before taking possession, the NRA is MOSTLY responsible for NICS) - the NRA STRONGLY supported ALL of the above. I can see it now - the NRA will support 'registration' of 'assault weapons' (ALL guns are assault weapons) "See, in order to avoid an outright ban we *managed* to 'negotiate' 'registration', therefore we helped all you gunowners out AGAIN! NOW SEND US MORE MONEY SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO *HELP* YOU!"


On top of all that, the NRA provides cover for treasonous politicians.


If one is wanting to support a genuine gun RIGHTS lobbying organization they should send their money to GOA, SAF, JPFO, i.e ANYONE EXCEPT the NRA.

Edited by Sukhoi_fan
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The current number of signators on 'our' petition is 50,828. This anti-gun petition currently has 193,659 signators... and although it's been available for two additional days, our averages are found to be, ah... somewhat lacking. :rolleyes:


Which petition would you like to see, with a stunningly overwhelming number, cross the President's desk?


Happy Holidays ladies 'n gents!


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"A house divided against itself can not stand"


Joe B


We'll certainly get to see the depth of the betrayal by the NRA on Friday, won't we?


I can't tell you how many times I've had NRA 'life' members tell me that no one needs a hi-cap magazine, that owning any guns that take hi-cap mags gives gunowners a 'bad image'. You wanna talk about 'division' - the NRA FOSTERS division.

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Pardon me Joe, but are you completely clueless??? The NRA has a solid history of selling out gunowners at every possible turn, e.g. NFA '34, GCA '68 (the beginning of the form 4473 and the end of mail order guns), McClure-Volkmer '86 (the machinegun ban), NICS (which requires one to get *permission* before taking possession, the NRA is MOSTLY responsible for NICS) - the NRA STRONGLY supported ALL of the above. I can see it now - the NRA will support 'registration' of 'assault weapons' (ALL guns are assault weapons) "See, in order to avoid an outright ban we *managed* to 'negotiate' 'registration', therefore we helped all you gunowners out AGAIN! NOW SEND US MORE MONEY SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO *HELP* YOU!"


On top of all that, the NRA provides cover for treasonous politicians.


If one is wanting to support a genuine gun RIGHTS lobbying organization they should send their money to GOA, SAF, JPFO, i.e ANYONE EXCEPT the NRA.

I used to see it like JOE but Sukhoi you are so right the NRA is usless they have proven it time and time again

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You know how you change the NRA? You BECOME the NRA. Remember that the NRA is an organization of gun owners. The old guard--our parents and grandparents--is disappearing and the younger generation is coming to power. The generation that grew up and served with M16's and M4's. The folks who see nothing out of the ordinary with 30-round magazines. And, the more who support the ownership and use of "high capacity" magazines who become life members, the sooner the NRA shift will be complete. The members determine the board membership and, by extension, the positions of the NRA. This ain't Bill Ruger's NRA anymore. Sitting on the outside whining about the NRA isn't going to change it. You change from within.


By all means, join GOA and SAF/CCRKBA, and any other gun group you can think of that advocates your positions to the governments of this nation. But if you think you'll be better served without the NRA, you're delusional. The NRA is our best hope to combat gun prohibitionists; and if you want them to espouse your positions, you best get on board and steer the ship.

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if you think you'll be better served without the NRA, you're delusional.


I've been closely watching the situation for over 20 years, and I submit anyone who thinks the NRA is on the side of RKBA is delusional. As 'hardcore' as Neal Knox was and as hard working as Neal was at it he was STILL unable to get the NRA to change course. And although what Wayne LaPierre had to say today *sounded* good, we'll just have to wait and see what the NRA actually does when the rubber meets the road. Never forget that it was the NRA that PUSHED NICS through, and NICS is the worst possible thing to happen to RKBA.

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Pardon me Joe, but are you completely clueless??? The NRA has a solid history of selling out gunowners at every possible turn, e.g. NFA '34, GCA '68 (the beginning of the form 4473 and the end of mail order guns), McClure-Volkmer '86 (the machinegun ban), NICS (which requires one to get *permission* before taking possession, the NRA is MOSTLY responsible for NICS) - the NRA STRONGLY supported ALL of the above. I can see it now - the NRA will support 'registration' of 'assault weapons' (ALL guns are assault weapons) "See, in order to avoid an outright ban we *managed* to 'negotiate' 'registration', therefore we helped all you gunowners out AGAIN! NOW SEND US MORE MONEY SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO *HELP* YOU!"


On top of all that, the NRA provides cover for treasonous politicians.


If one is wanting to support a genuine gun RIGHTS lobbying organization they should send their money to GOA, SAF, JPFO, i.e ANYONE EXCEPT the NRA.


You probably pissed away your vote on a third party candidate too, right? I hope your "principles" are feeling chipper now that Obama has another four years to do his dirty work.


Whatever you think of the NRA, THEY are the ones that provided the lion's share of the funding for all the major court decisions we as gun owners have won before the SCOTUS and countless state courts around the country. That is a fact.


Principles are great, but some day you have to face reality and the reality is that gun owners are an ever shrinking minority in this country. With your "no compromise" mentality, gun ownership will one day go the way of the dinosaur in America. There are already serious discussions going on about repealing the 2nd Amendment. I'm old and it's doubtful I'll live to see it, but I fear for future generations.

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but some day you have to face reality


I submit that YOU should "face reality" and admit that the NRA has betrayed gunowners AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY: NFA '34, GCA '68, McClure-Volkmer '86 (where the NRA threw the machinegunners under the bus without ANY hesitation whatsoever), AWB '94, and ESPECIALLY(!) NICS in '98 (since the NRA was the prime mover on NICS, the worst thing that could have happened including all the previous infringements). NO serious student of history can deny this. Period.


Or alternatively you could cling to your cherished delusions. lol

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I submit that YOU should "face reality" and admit that the NRA has betrayed gunowners AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY: NFA '34, GCA '68, McClure-Volkmer '86 (where the NRA threw the machinegunners under the bus without ANY hesitation whatsoever), AWB '94, and ESPECIALLY(!) NICS in '98 (since the NRA was the prime mover on NICS, the worst thing that could have happened including all the previous infringements). NO serious student of history can deny this. Period.


Or alternatively you could cling to your cherished delusions. lol


You can LOL all you want, but here is the REALITY you are unwilling or unable to accept. As of 2009, there were 307,000,000 Americans and, as of 2010, there were between 47,000,000 and 53,000,000 gun owners. For any mathematics-impaired individuals out there, gun owners are a small minority that is getting smaller with each passing decade. Another reality is that when you are in the minority, compromise is essential to survival. If anyone is delusional, it is the gun owner that thinks they can stomp their feet and scream "no compromise" at each and every turn when they are outnumbered 6 to 1.


The only thing between us and ruin are those non-gun owning citizens that we haven't yet alienated. The day the majority of them turn against us is the day the 2nd Amendment is doomed because then it is just a matter of time before it is repealed as outdated and dangerous. Then we and our Republic are doomed, as well.

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The only thing between us and ruin are those non-gun owning citizens that we haven't yet alienated. The day the majority of them turn against us is the day the 2nd Amendment is doomed because then it is just be a matter of time before it is repealed as outdated and dangerous. Then we and our Republic are doomed, as well.


The NRA Press conference yesterday pretty much did that. If anyone was on the fence, they fell off. I almost wanted to turn my guns in after listening to that. Talk about tone deaf and impossibly out of touch with everything that is going on right now. The only hope, I think, is that gun legislation is written quickly and there is a push to rush it through. My guess is that enough people in the House will resist a quick rush to a solution.

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