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Is the SBE II worth the money?


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I am looking into buying an SBE II. I have never owned a Benelli but have heard many good things about them. I like the Inetia action, and several of the little detail feature.


I would like to hear from those of you that have one, and what are things that you like or dislike? How does it shoot? What are you excited about after you actually shot the gun?


I am really leaning towards this purchase and just need a little coaxing about spending that kind of cash. Let me know what you think.


Thank you.

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they are not worth the money new...other weapons are are as good...very overpriced weapon new !! exceptional firearm for less then $800. if you pay more than $800 you would be just as happy with an SX2 or 391. benelli is far more impressed with their product than a true comparative shooper would be. read the forum...most of the chatter is from owners that want the gun to live up to it's price tag....it doesn't!

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The SBEII is a great gun.

But please don't buy it and come back and gripe about any of the following.


1. My SBE2 won't cycle light loads.


2. My SBE2 kicks too hard.


3. My SBE2's camo finish is chipping off in places.


4. My SBE2's black finish scuffs easily.


The SBE2 is a workhorse, a tool. Yes, it's an expensive tool, but nonetheless this dog is built to hunt.

It's not built for the trap ranges. It's not built to hang on the mantle and be pretty. It's built to do a job, and it does THAT quite well.


Consider your intended uses. If you don't need the 3.5" loads, go for the M2.


If you shoot a lot of light field and trap loads, buy a gun designed to do so.


If you HUNT, and don't mind a gun with a few battle scars, then proceed with the purchase.


Bought mine last Fall and it's the best $1200 I've spent in a while.

Love it!


[ 03-28-2005, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: tucker301 ]

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I have been shooting SBE's for 15 years.


I reluctantly bought a new SBE II in camo for $1190. Would not have paid one dime more. The US dollar is basically toilet paper to the rest of the world right now, so don't expect Italy to cry a river of tears for us.


Love everything about it. Finish is good. Gel pad is great. Love the modern updates. POA is dead on for me. It patterns well. Nice fit and finish.


Ok, now on to the 3-post cheesehead with the chip on his shoulder:


The Super X2 3.5" camo NIB can be had for around $875. Not a bad gun. I own a BGH 3.5" and I like it very much. I have to clean it frequently to keep the gas system operational. It requires constant oiling to funtion properly. It malfunctions in very cold weather. It is not softer with 3.5" than my SBE's or SBE II, which are both much easier to clean, do not require constant oil, and do not malfuntion as much in the cold. Note, SX2's cannot be given away in my area even at 10% over distributor list.


The only 391 in 3.5" is the Xtrema series. The new Xtrema II MSRP's at $1300, and is retailing at around $1200 right now, certain to come down soon. The original Xtrema was plagued with defects and is discontinued. It can be had for $800 - if you want a disco'ed gun.


Ditto to all of Tucker's points.


As to living up to SBE II owner's expectations, I believe that is up to the owners of the gun to decide not some 3-post internet troll......


mudhen - CA

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In the past, as a teen, I was an avid hunter and sport shooter. Since then life has happened, and the shooting sports have diminished. I have come to a place where I miss my shooting, and am going to try and take it back.


I will probably use this gun a lot for target shooting, and hope to get back into Partidge, Pheasant, and Turkey, But is this more gun then I need?


I like everything I hear about the gun. I have seen it several times on shows and mags, and love what I hear. I especially like the inertia system and not gas.


I guess I am trying to justify paying that kind of money. lol. haha.


Thank you for your comments. They are very helpful.

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As a hunting shotgun you cannot get anything more versatile or reliable than the SBE. I have never shot a SBEII so I cannot comment on them, however I do have about 3,000 round of 3 ½ steel plus another 25,000 rounds of 1 1/8 through one of my SBE’s. If I were shooting trap, skeet or sporting clay in registered events I probably would be using a Perazzi. Since I don’t shot registered events I have been quite happy with my SBE’s shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays. I have never had a problem with 1 1/8 loads. Some 1 oz load work and some don’t.


I have one SBE in black and one in camo. I have to admit I get a great deal of satisfaction when I beat the guy’s shooting Perazzi’s and Krieghoff’s.


If you really must shot 7/8 or 1 oz loads I understand you can get lighter springs for them


[ 03-28-2005, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Joel ]

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The SBE II is a great shotgun. I mainly shoot 3" loads(steel, Kent TM) for hunting but went with the SBE II because of fit and the way it breaks down.

The barrel and top receiever are one piece, making cleraning a snap. Very relaible shotguns, that you dont have to baby.

You said you wanted to some clays shooting with it.

Mine will cycle 3.5's down to 1oz loads. Never have had any luck with 7/8. But it is a hunting shotgun not a clays.

I think you will be very happy with it.

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vacuum6....I am a SBEII "shooper" and mine does shoot all loads put in it. Call me lucky or whatever, but it does cycle anything I feed it...so based on my experience, **** well worth the money. So with that, I too, think you will be happy with it.

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I agree with all the positives about the SBE2. The fit and finish is awesome, but the mechanical reliability is what really shines in the field. A few years back I took a trip out west and had everything from 80 degrees dusty and sunny to freezing mud and snow in the same week. The guys in my group were all having trouble with jamming guns due to the conditions. All except for one guy - the one with the Benelli SBE. I was shooting a SX2 at the time and it was a nice gun. Like Mudhen, I found it had to be cleaned constantly to function properly. It never caused a problem hunting around home, but on a expensive trip it sucks to have the 1 shot auto in your arms. After that I went out and purchased my first SBE. It was so awesome that I bought the SBE2 when it came out.

I also owned a AL391 until recently, which was a great weapon... but a pain to keep clean with the gas operation. I traded it for a Legacy. The ease of cleaning and breakdown, as well as the reliability made it easy. The people I see complaining on these forums fit 90% into Tucker's response. I personally don't find either gun a bad choice for the range. I don't notice a big difference between my Legacy and the AL391, just don't expect the lightest loads made to cycle - they might, just don't expect it. Hope this helps.

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$1200 is a lot of money for a shotgun. I bought my SBEII with very high expectations and most of them were met. For the money though the inititial quality control on last years models was poor. Paint chipping can be expected, stiff safeties, choke tube wrenches that would not fit and gel pads that fell off on this price range should not be. To thier credit Benelli's distributor and aspecially Christina Day at Benelli did rectify all the problems.

Unfortunately guns are rarely like cars where you can test drive them or like most products returnable. Once you buy this baby, it's yours unless you want to sell it cheap. I have been lucky that I have had the opportunity to try several guns and have let some prospective buyers have a close look at my range. There are not a lot of SBEII's around, so they met a lot of interest. To my surprise just as many were sold on it as had changed their minds. Benelli's a great gun but by no means is it the be all and end all. Do you really need 3 1/2? Do you clean you gun regularly? My 11-87 never once jammed in 10 years on any load but I clean after every day, only takes 15 minutes never had a seal fail either but I replace them yearly. Patterns well and easy to shoot. Figure out what you need and what you want, erase the hype and choose.

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I just bought my SBEII this past weekend. it cost $1350 here in Maryland. I know it's alot of money for a shotgun, but what a shotgun!! It should be the last one I will need.

This is one GREAT gun! It is so easy to take down and clean. It is very lightweight and comes up fast! I just wish the front sight was just a little bigger. That's no big deal, and can be changed I'm sure. You will love this gun!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never thought I would ever pay that much for a shotgun, but my old shotgun went down and someone lent me their SBEII for a round of sporting clays. Well, I really liked it. Besides he was the owner of my local gunshop (smartmove).


Anyway, I spent the $1,200.00 and I absolutely love the gun. I dragged this thing through the mud snow and salt of the saltmarsh this past winter for ducks and geese. It was awesome. What a workhorse! Everyone wanted to try it since I shoot it so well.


Part of the reason is the gun fits me perfectly.


And to boot, I traded up and picked a 20 gauge montefeltro for upland. What a sweet shooter that is also.


I'm a cheap SOB! I drive a Hyundai, but shoot a SBEII. The gun is 1/10th the price of my car, but wotrth every penny.

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  • 3 months later...

Go to your nearest gun shop, pick one up and point it. If that doesn't make up your mind, like it did mine, then maybe you should keep looking. I wouldn't trade mine for anything. I'm a leftie and paid 1330 for my max4 28in in left hand and don't regret it at all. I've always owned 22 and 24 inch guns (Granted they were a BPS , that I have owned for 16 years and a Nova that I used last year. Both of which have killed a lot of birds.) and my SBE2 handles much better than the others. Picked up a new Beretta when I was shopping, didn't like it. But that's just me. I've been tearing up the clays and can't wait for season. It just feels right for me.

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I'll throw in my 2 cents...


My buddy was the first to move to a 3 1/2-er for turkey. He bought a Remington. The next year I bought the SBE and asked what loads he wound up using in the 3 1/2. His answer was "I don't use them, they kicked my butt and were no fun"


With some trepidation, I prepared to shoot the 3 1/2 wondering what I was in for. The result, nothing!! In the SBE, the 3 1/2 is like a 3" with a bit of an attitude!!


John thought I was busting his chops so he tried the SBE and was amazed. I tried his Rem, and quickly grabbed back my SBE!!


Bottom line, if you go for turkey, the 3 1/2 makes a difference (at least 10 yds from the patterning board), and the SBE's the way to go. All the way down the line for lighter stuff the Benelli still showed equal or better patterns.


You're really paying for a "gun for all seasons". I still take my 20 ga. OU for birds and rabbits when I don't feel like a 12, but the SBE does it all.

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Originally posted by sfd112:

I am looking into buying an SBE II. I have never owned a Benelli but have heard many good things about them. I like the Inetia action, and several of the little detail feature.


I would like to hear from those of you that have one, and what are things that you like or dislike? How does it shoot? What are you excited about after you actually shot the gun?


I am really leaning towards this purchase and just need a little coaxing about spending that kind of cash. Let me know what you think.


Thank you.

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After 12 years with a Remington 11-87, I picked up a SBE and fell in love with it! I had to have one and paid the $1k+ to get it. No regrets...none! It is the last shotgun I'll own. I've shot lightweight 2 3/4" and heavy 3 1/2" shot thru it without issue. The only modification I've made is adding a SIMS Limbsaver recoil pad to the butt stock. It was well worth the $30.


It's a real workhorse and I'm going to do my best to wear it out.


Go buy it, but, save up the cash so you can truly enjoy 'owning' it.

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Check out some of the Ferrari forums and listen to the whining over there. There are always negative attitudes around ... you can't please all the people all the time. Benelli makes a great gun. I love mine; but then again ... I tend to value performance first.

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How come nobody is telling him about all the rejects Benelli has? Oh did anyone mention aout bending the barrel so it dosent shoot high and left on about 7 out of 10 i've seen and bent. To me the best for the money in 3 1/2 is Beretta Xtrema 2. Why do you think Beretta owns Benelli/Stoger? How about the recoil??? Gas = less recoil. Have you ever been turkey hunting with your back on the tree and pulled the trigger, all the impact is in your shoulder - now how the recoil sound. I sold my SBEII because it has toooooo much recoil and sucks for the money $1200. Before you buy try calling customer service, haha what a joke.


I currently have AL391 Tekny(cycles everything) & AL 391 Xtrema2 , A390, 612 (garbage), 3 1/2 Gold hunter, & Auto 5.


Best customer service: Remmington

Best Overall performance 3 1/2: Xtrema 2

Best Gun ever made: Auto 5 Belgium

Best pattern: 935 Mossberg

Best Overall 3": AL 391

Best gun for price: Winchester X2

Easiest to clean: Benelli, Stoger, Franchi



Just ask a die hard 1187 hunter and they will say they shoot the best gun but we all know different.


But its your $ have fun, happy, and safe hunting!

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I don't know if you duck hunt or not but consider this.


Over the next 15 years how much money will you spend on shotgun shells, decoys, gas, clothes, and all other supplies you'll need to go hunting. I have a Rem 1100 that my godfather bought when he turned 15, he's 55 today and the gun still shoots flawlessly. So if you take care of a gun it will last quite a long time. So in the long run I think $1200 is a pretty cheap investment for a shotgun thats so light, easy to clean, and versatile. Within the next 15 years or so I will still be shooting my SBE and will have probably spent much more money on decoys, shells, duck calls, waders, etc.


If you take care of your purchase, I think its a cheap investment.


But don't buy a Benelli because everyone else likes it. Go shoot one and see how you like it.

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Hey Snipe1, your name fits your style!


I too like the Xtrema II, it seems like Beretta fixed the many, many, problems with the Xtrema I. I love the Tenkys too and will own one shortly.


You want to talk about barrel bending? How about the 1000's of bad Xtrema I barrels?????


The rest of your Benelli info is pretty much bogus.


Beretta Holdings bought Stoeger because it was cheaper to buy them than to allow Stoeger to steal market share from Benelli with the launch of the M2000. There was a 2-page article in the NRA mags about that deal. Their lawyers made that deal.


Benelli kills Beretta in guns sales, just kills. That comes from every Beretta and Benelli rep I have spoken with in the past several years. Beretta Holdings already controlled much of Benelli prior to the complete acquisition, so the total acquisition was business as usual.


I don't notice any recoil issues with the SBE II. I sit back to a tree most of the time. I went 8 for 8 this year on toms with no recoil issue.


My 3.5" BGH & 3" BGH kick waaaaaay more than any Benelli I have ever owned and waaaaaaaaaaaay more than my SBE II.


The SBE II has a full drop and cast kit that should eliminate any POI issues.


But I do really like the newer Beretta offerings.


mudhen - CA

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