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For any idiots out there who still think birdshot is effective


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For any idiots out there who still think that life is just like a video game with a shotgun .....







That game looks monotonous as **** and the graphics suck and the plot looks lame and...



I played the game for a few minutes and stand by my above opinion^

Epic gaming fail. The plot comes off as though it was written by a 5-year old. It's pathetic.

Edited by Unobtanium
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Hummm... the virgin expertise on this forum is showing.:rolleyes:


It was a parody on vapid video posers who pretend to know a lot about shooting & killing and .... oh , well... never mind.


I hope and pray our judgment on what (or whoever) to shoot at is better than some of the advice I have seen in this thread. :(


"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." quote from Groucho Marx.

{the afore mentioned is just an applicable quote, please do not attempt to get a child of five to reply to this!}



That game looks monotonous as **** and the graphics suck and the plot looks lame and...



I played the game for a few minutes and stand by my above opinion^

Epic gaming fail. The plot comes off as though it was written by a 5-year old. It's pathetic.

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Hummm... the virgin expertise on this forum is showing.:rolleyes:


It was a parody on vapid video posers who pretend to know a lot about shooting & killing and .... oh , well... never mind.


I hope and pray our judgment on what (or whoever) to shoot at is better than some of the advice I have seen in this thread. :(


"A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five." quote from Groucho Marx.

{the afore mentioned is just an applicable quote, please do not attempt to get a child of five to reply to this!}



So you are saying the game is made-up, and I didn't really play it? I just want to be crystal clear reguarding your implications.

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I give up ..... alright ... go ahead and send someone to fetch a child of five to explain it.:D



Sorry, your complete nonsensical entrance into the thread with an off-topic post threw me. Yes I understand the parody you are making. Why you are making it, I have no clue. I bring you more evidence to the table suggesting that a common behavior is detrimental to the health of those practicing it, and you respond with some crap about a video-game.


So tell us Mr. RealWorld. How many OIS's have you been in? How many wars did you fight in?


Until that number supercedes that of plenty of others who recommend the same as I do (Ditch the birdshot), then please, do not downplay good advice when you see it.


Does a doctor need to have cancer to diagnose it. No. Do I need to have shot someone with birdshot and then with buckshot to prove which is better? No. However, others here have gone against conventional and proven wisdom, and I think that proof is required to support their belief. Not just one incident, but proof on par with that of those advocating buckshot.


Then again, I guess we all just live in one big video-game if we care what we stuff into the chamber of our go-to weapon.

Edited by Unobtanium
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You two are such GI Joes



What does that even mean?


Because we both acknowledge the obvious fact that birdshot is less than ideal for killing large animals, it somehow makes us "GI Joes", which I guess is your way of calling us posers?


So anyone who matches their ammo to the desired use/outcome is a poser ... right.



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Until that number supercedes that of plenty of others who recommend the same as I do (Ditch the birdshot), then please, do not downplay good advice when you see it.

Does a doctor need to have cancer to diagnose it. No. Do I need to have shot someone with birdshot and then with buckshot to prove which is better? No. However, others here have gone against conventional and proven wisdom, and I think that proof is required to support their belief. Not just one incident, but proof on par with that of those advocating buckshot.

Then again, I guess we all just live in one big video-game if we care what we stuff into the chamber of our go-to weapon.


So I suppose people like this also belive that when you shot someone that they fly backwards and there are just small red spots where they got shot too.

As for the original topic and part of the continuing debate about birdshot. Of course it will most likely ward off 95% of people wishing you to do harm but what if someone from the other 5% breaks into your house? I myself live 10 miles outside of the city my SG is loaded with Federal FC 00 and my HG houses 15rds of BlackTalons. My fieldloads/birdshot sit beside my gun case waiting for bird/varmit/skeet duty.

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So I suppose people like this also belive that when you shot someone that they fly backwards and there are just small red spots where they got shot too.


As for the original topic and part of the continuing debate about birdshot. Of course it will most likely ward off 95% of people wishing you to do harm but what if someone from the other 5% breaks into your house? I myself live 10 miles outside of the city my SG is loaded with Federal FC 00 and my HG houses 15rds of BlackTalons. My fieldloads/birdshot sit beside my gun case waiting for bird/varmit/skeet duty.


Out of curiosity, which gen Talons are you using? I just bought 2 cases of the revised T-series and have been VERY impressed with the evolution of the round from an iffy performer in the late 80's to what it is today.

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How many wars did you fight in?

Until that number supercedes that of plenty of others who recommend the same as I do

Only one war. USMC. {semper fi ,bro's}, and that was a brief and confusing time.


I honestly can't say that I desire to "supersede" that number, perhaps you have?


If so , I say Bully to You Sir for your courage and determination!

If you haven't; then here is the "Fast As Lightning" award for brilliant GI Joe posing >>>http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii62/nomoh2o/little%20piccies/fastaslightning.jpg


Well , what is it ? You giving advice on what you think should be done , or have you really done it?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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Only one war. USMC. {semper fi ,bro's}, and that was a brief and confusing time.


I honestly can't say that I desire to "supersede" that number, perhaps you have?


If so , I say Bully to You Sir for your courage and determination!

If you haven't; then here is the "Fast As Lightning" award for brilliant GI Joe posing >>>http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii62/nomoh2o/little%20piccies/fastaslightning.jpg


Well , what is it ? You giving advice on what you think should be done , or have you really done it?

Inquiring minds want to know.


You just have a problem taking advice from knowledgeable sources and will kick and scream all the way up when someone tries to drag you away from your faulty belief system. There is no helping you. I sometimes wonder why I try to help people who cannot be helped, maybe that's just my confrontational side. I digress.

Edited by Unobtanium
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I digress
Yep. That I will agree to.



I'll sure be glad when duck season is back in
Me too, mutant zombie ducks have been running wild in neighborhood. What load should I use on psychotic-radioactive-super-intelligent ducks from the planet Krypton? I wouldn't want a faulty belief system to keep me from baggin' my limit:D.


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If I'm following this thread correctly the lesson is:


1) Birdshot is suitable for killing birds

2) Using semantic logic, Buckshot should be suitable for killing bucks.

3) Until somebody packages "Peopleshot" I'm SOL!



Bugs Bunny, sticking his finger in the gun and coming out of his hole: For shame doc. Hunting rabbits with an elephant gun.


Elmer Fudd, looking at his gun in confusion: Ewaphant gun?


Bugs Bunny: That’s right doc, so why don’t you go shoot yourself an elephant? (he goes back down his hole)

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What does that even mean?


Because we both acknowledge the obvious fact that birdshot is less than ideal for killing large animals, it somehow makes us "GI Joes", which I guess is your way of calling us posers?


So anyone who matches their ammo to the desired use/outcome is a poser ... right.




Nice baby picture. How did your babysitter get you out? Do you still have problems getting oxygen to your brain?

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*sigh* Ignorance can be cured, but stupid is forever.


I will stick with advice from Pat Rogers, Dr. Roberts, Evan Marshall, Chris Costa, etc. and you can stick with your combat tour or whatever else. I have just seen to many ineffectives who "saw combat" to cite being deployed as a reference for competency with a weapon/ammo selection.


Girl I go to school with did small arms repair. She told me horror stories about what a grunt could accomplish, as did my USMC roommate and personal experience shooting along side them at the range has borne out.


It is funny to watch the fail though when some .mil guy can't connect with a 14x14" target at 25m with his AR because he can't zero it. I usually wait until they are on their last mag and then go fix the problems. Last time it was some guy trying to co-witness Airsoft optics on a bushmaster carbon 15 "pistol". After I fixed his weapon and even offered to let him shoot my M4S90, the 'tard says "naw man, I just wanna drive that car, is it yours?!". I was out of shells anyways so I just packed up and left. Stupid sickens me. It also goes to prove--some people--you just can't help.

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Nice baby picture. How did your babysitter get you out? Do you still have problems getting oxygen to your brain?

Lets not start this Novaking, if you are going to argue at least do it with good taste. This is just trying to pick a fight and is beside the point. I don't mean to offend you in any way.

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Lets not start this Novaking, if you are going to argue at least do it with good taste. This is just trying to pick a fight and is beside the point. I don't mean to offend you in any way.


Maybe it can go full-retard with threats of in-person beat-downs and background checks :p

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If you use bird shot for home defense, you are a moron and we have nothing else to talk about.


It's really that simple.


What does that even mean?


Because we both acknowledge the obvious fact that birdshot is less than ideal for killing large animals, it somehow makes us "GI Joes", which I guess is your way of calling us posers?


So anyone who matches their ammo to the desired use/outcome is a poser ... right.




Lets not start this Novaking, if you are going to argue at least do it with good taste. This is just trying to pick a fight and is beside the point. I don't mean to offend you in any way.



I don't think I started anything.

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Well another week and another potential dust-up brewing.


The cast of characters have changed to some extent, but as always, Unobtanium and Duggan are involved.


Time for some "Mod magic" to delete this thread to help some refocus on Benelli shotguns.

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BigHat; I say, let it run its course. It's the season for all gun Forums to get infected with wanna be tactical Rambos. I think a few of these folk should have their own Benelli Forum section to discuss how they should 'waste' intruders, read comic books in Mom's basement, and play shooter video games after midnight.


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