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Liberty or death Jr.

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Everything posted by Liberty or death Jr.

  1. Whats the difference between the bottle of lube and the tube of grease? The description is the same
  2. No, don't know which parents he'll be coming from, but I already requested a male with a smooth coat, to request him from certain parents would mean I would have to wait even longer, not good. But every one of his breeders are top scoring in NAVHDA, so anyone I get should be a great hunting dog, I didn't ask if I could request one from a certain parent, but that could mean I get to wait longer. Why would you want another dog? One not enough for ya?
  3. Whats the longest they come? Just curious.
  4. Weim was my second choice, lab was my first, but Sdk convinced me with the pudel pointer and I now have one reserved for this fall. I'm hoping he'll call me up though and say that he has one ready in the next month or so, it would be nice to get him sooner. I know a few guys with weims but they only use them for upland dogs, I also know a couple who just had a litter of weims, they were cute, from hunting parents too. I see your Weim does upland and waterfowl, thats cool.
  5. GV00, what I mean by that, is if we all had guns, intruders, robbers, rapists, terroists, and just about anyone who is a threat. Instead of calling the police and even if it counts as a complaint, waiting for them to arrive. We could put a bullet in them or at least shoot at them and scare them off. There wouldn't be hostage situations because it would be a gun battle the second someone tried something. I do see a use for them though, traffic violations, you aren't going to shoot a guy for illegal parking. So yes, they have some uses. I remember when I was little, we had some drug dealers trying to get in our trailer, yes I did live in a double wide when I was a kid, my wasn't there otherwise he would have pulled a gun and told them where to shove it, but instead it was my mom with 4 little children, the oldest was 6. She called the police and they said that it "was not a valid complaint because they were not attacking us and it didn't count as a robbery because they were not stealing anything. Luckily they left after a while, but the police were useless. Not all accounts with cops have been bad, but a cop is just a goverment worker and a fellow human being, the only advantage they have is some tacticle training and they get semi and full autos. Nothing against you guys that are cops or former cops on the forum.
  6. We wouldn't need the police if we all carried guns.
  7. Guys, this article just hit the paper this morning. Had me going this morning. What you don't see is a large picture with Sen. Dianne Feinstein holding on to an AK-47 and this article below. If you would, send him your thoughts and comments. I sent my reply to: Sent Reply To: Peter Copeland, [email protected] - Editor and general manager - 202-408-2756 http://www.shns.com/shns/g_index2.cfm?action=detail&pk=THOMASSON-03-01-07 Here's my response: Dan, in response to your article in the Las Vegas Sun “Politics Hurt Police’s ability to protect us”. Correcting the situation as you say, would first begin with our born right (not a privilege) the 2nd amendment freedoms, which allow every citizen a right to keep and bear arms for the safety of their family, property, and their own lives. I am an NRA member, and I recall one night when I was young, my father was out and mom had to call out “Isaac get the gun” loud enough so the guy that broke in our home (who had a gun) could hear it and he took off out the balcony door jumped from the second floor and got away. But from that day forward we had firearms in our home. Dan, you also make a statement about the amount of money that “we the people” are unwilling to spend equipping our police officers, that statement is ludicrous. We have spent and are increasing their pay, increasing their personnel along with upgrading their equipment. What you don’t seem to realize is that our law enforcement is a reactionary force. They are not there every minute to defend us law abiding citizens. They are there to protect, once called out, and then restore order. It has been said “a citizen who shirks his duty to contribute to the security of his community is little better than the criminal who threatens it.” Think about that Dan and the many, men, women and children that have been preyed upon and didn’t have an equalizing force to defend them or others. It’s a Constitutional Right and Social Obligation to Carry a Gun. And what about our police officers? We have had some officers pick up and rape the innocent citizens of our communities by gun, badge or barter. We as a nation don’t take away guns from all police officers because of a few bad police officers, do we? No, we move on, train, screen, learn from our previous failures in hiring and again find better ways to screen and train our police officers. Are we to say police officers are evil, no! There is a percentage that goes astray, as do citizens, and never do we disarm in a blanketed form. When a citizen carries a gun, just remember its called deterrence. We do it as a nation with nuclear weapons and our armed forces. We do it as a state in times of emergencies, our armed national guard. We do it as a city or town, our armed police departments. The bottom line here is deterrence, which is the key. Make the perpetrators think, alter their course and back down where ever they lurk. We as a community need to get back to where we were and come together and agree on one thing our constitution. This is the United States, our constitution is Freedom First then if you violate the laws you relinquish your rights. Stick to what has been given to us by our forefathers. Freedom is always First. The more we come together as a nation in every state and arm our citizens with the rights that were bestowed upon us, the less rapes and murders, kidnappings would occur. John F. Kennedy stated: "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." My thoughts and comments Sincerly Isaac Henderson, NV 89002-9240 Sorry BEARICE, I had a hard time reading that so figured I would make it a little bigger.
  8. Tom Knapp could beat it I think. Just needs to throw his clays a little higher.
  9. Tuck, I don't think we should further this argument, lets agree to disagree.
  10. http://www.winchesterguns.com/ Third link down show Patrick Flanigan breaking 11 clays. Doesn't that mean he beat Tom Knapps record of 10?
  11. Once again, he is not a perfect president. No one ever will be. But, he is not a terrorist, he is not evil, and he isn't a bad president. Heres one. And another. These are from the AWOL post. Its just John Kerry followers trying to put down Bush. And one from the PM. Now, one reason Is because this world runs on oil. The metal from your gun was mined with oil. It was transported with oil. The shotgun shell hulls were made from oil. The decoys you use are made of oil. Your boat runs off of gas rendered from oil. Your car runs off of oil. Do you see where I am going with this. We need it, he is getting it.
  12. What do you want from a president Tuck? I never said he was perfect, but decent enough. He has done and exceptional job as president. Way better job then a John Kerry or Hilary Clinton will ever do. You seem to have a lot of links supporting John Kerry I noticed, what did he get those purple hearts for? A scratch or two? John Kerry is one of the biggest traitors on this planet. He does not have the right to live and should get a bullet in the head. Yet you send me a link of John Kerry trying to find anything he can to bring down Bush. Here is one on Kerry. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1114125/posts Now we are not pitting Kerry against Bush now are we, we are talking about how bad of a president Bush is. All my point is, most of your links that showed how bad Bush was, were written by traitors of this country. I have a hard time believing anything written by traitors. No, you did not a get a knock on your door, and no one came to take your guns, but presidents are somewhat limited. Clinton did though get the assult weapons ban through, meaning you couldn't buy most semi-autos. Luckily it expired and when the issue came up again, Bush did not sign it. So that means there is nothing wrong with you owning that sweet little AR you have. You most likely wouldn't have that right had you voted for the opposing party.
  13. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1066122/posts There ya go Tuck. I believe that as much as you believe the links you sent me in the PM.
  14. Just checked gun broker and Ebay, mostly pistol grips. I did find a shorter version wood montefeltro stock, but no comfortech stocks, not even for 12 gauges.
  15. I'm one of them, I can't say I agree with a lot of things, but he did a damn better job then Al Gore or John Kerrey ever would. Don't you value your gun rights?
  16. Same shim kit, looks the same, it should fit. I am not sure where you would get a stock though, I would call benelli CS.
  17. In addition to what cmshoot said, could also be that a lot of people don't know the proper way to hold a gun???? Just a thought
  18. I hear a ton of good things about the patternmaster, I want to get one for duck season.
  19. Hey tuck, what does this mean "1/20/09: End of an Error"?
  20. I would like a safe like my brothers friend has. It is a walk in safe and he has over 100 guns inside, its a site to see.
  21. Well "holding the gun tighter" is a solution, it puzzles me that it is slapping your finger, unless you are holding the gun loosely and in that case it would slap your shoulder and slap your finger. If you have the gun tucked into your shoulder and have a good grip on the handle and the front grip, you shouldn't have this problem. Just my .02.
  22. Ohhhh, me likes, but I already have a full suit of camo in Advantage max 4, got free too.
  23. I just found out I have to wait until fall to get him. So he will be trained both ways at the same time so no worries there. I was going to concentrate on water training if I got him sooner so I could use him for waterfowling. Thanks
  24. Theres a first, a question that Master Yoda doesn't know the answer to. Just kidding. Sounds like ol Tuck may need to trade his Benelli for a Beretta extrema II with Kick off, what say you Sdkidaho?
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