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Everything posted by Unobtanium

  1. Get an M1 and SBS it. THAT is some lightweight firepower for ya!
  2. "Ergal" is another term for Aluminum alloy 7075 http://www.suppliersonline.com/propertypages/7075.asp#Spec
  3. I have had and played with everything from my $2500 TRS to the G17 in my drawer, but I always end up selling them, usually to my Dad, lol. They don't go far...
  4. 79.99? I think this belongs on airsoft.
  5. As long as you understand that aiming is just as important with a shotgun as it is an AR-15 in the home, you are spot-on!
  6. I use a combination approach, coupled with a t1tty-twister. That one puts them DOWN.
  7. I assume what you mean is that you are more accurate with a rifle than you are with a pistol, which is sound and good logic as most people are. Furthermore, I presume that you know that across the room differences, no matter what you put in that shotgun, it is going to behave about like a rifle.
  8. Duggan, you don't need to aim buckshot. Didn't you hear the man? Just wave the weapon in his general direction and fire. No need to be near COM. Buckshot is like a cone of destruction...
  9. Haha, I don't know whether I laughed harder at Duggan's post, or yours. They were both full to bursting with BS, ignorance and witty self-destructive rhetoric, the only difference I can see is that one was satire, and one was heartfelt and genuine. PS. What is a "product manager"? Let me see what google has to say about that. Hold Manages all aspects of marketing programs for specified product(s). Designs, develops, and executes marketing strategies and directs advertising and promotional activities. May include research and evaluation of new products. ^That is what I found. Which begs the question...product manager for WHO or WHAT, and how loosely/strictly do you follow the generic guideline that I found above? Are you really in a position to insult someone's socio-economic status? How do you feel that the economy is going to affect you? Do you normally identify yourself with your job to this level? Does it take THAT much of your life? Do you identify with it because the only way you define yourself is through it? Have you wondered how healthy/unhealthy this mindset may be? If the economy or some other factor outside of your control were to cause your job to become obsolete, do you think you would de-stabalize, or become introverted and anti-social? How would you deal with these feelings of loss of identity?
  10. http://www.tacticalshotgunner.com/cmm-bolt-release-pad-and-latch-for-benelli-shotguns-p-226.html?osCsid=10e70d64c38c9fa2e4024fb6c018d999
  11. Celtic Mist Machine
  12. What kind of girlyman finds the M4 "heavy"? I mean, really. Your granddaddy humped a rifle that weighed over 10 pounds through W*** (why the **** is World War II "**"ed out!? Damn Obama!) and you are going to whine over going to the range or 3-gun tournaments with a shotgun weighing less than 8? I think this is the first "mod" you should consider... http://www.neuticles.com/
  13. I ran a GG&G and took it off. I skinned my finger on it. I had the stock charging handle. I think that is what caused it. I just run it stock in that department. With a shotgun, you never run dry. You always ALWAYS load. Not shooting? You are loading. Period. Otherwise you are going to be...a sad panda. ETA: BUy the one from CM, save $60. I think it's shaped nicer anyways. If I do it again, that is what I will get, and don't listen to people. This is an easy mod to install.
  14. There has to be a way. It is illogical to remove the tube to change mag-springs. I suggest you pick up the phone and call Benelli. Their CS is beyond awesome in my experience. 1(301)283-6981
  15. Good stuff. Well, the collapsible stock is exactly the same as the regular one when fully extended. Anyone who says otherwise is either pushing their face WAY foreward on it, or pulling it WAY back. For me, it felt the same. Also, if you are going to run optics, the collapsible stock on the middle position is all but mandatory to get the correct cheek-weld. If you don't like it. Sell it. Make $50-100.
  16. It is most likely an aluminum alloy like 7056 or 6061 or something similar. I can't see it being anything else.
  17. I guess it IS more challenging to hit skeet and if you are so good that 12ga is "easy" then I can see it.
  18. Well think about this: The stocks weigh the same. The barrels are the same length. Yet one is almost 1.5# heavier than the other. Those gas-pistons sure don't weigh 1.5#, and the modified BCG doesn't account for all of it either. so what does that tell you?
  19. What kind of mixed reviews are you talking about? I would order Kip's Ti tube and spring first-off.
  20. Pretty sure the scope will arrive first, LaRue usually ships my stuff within 3 days of ordering and there was a slight speed-bump in Ti tube production.
  21. +1, that's kindof like me wishing I was packing only 4" in hopes of a girl finding it "cute". Sorry, I just don't see the appeal of owning a 28ga.
  22. All of my white shepherds have been perfect. Not needy, not annoying, do not make messes or tear thigns up. I like them much better than any child I have met. My last one was 125# and 27" at the shoulder. AWESOME dog! My current one is only around 75-80#, but still a smart/loyal companion.
  23. Testing will be postponed until I recieve my Ti tube.
  24. I like VZ Gatorbacks, great grips. I ran them on my LB TRS. Only part of that gun that I liked, lol.
  25. All aluminum used to make anything is an alloy.
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