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If a Assult Weapon Ban passes what does that mean for us B/M4 owners ?


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Correct. The legislation is already mostly written because they used the 1994 ban as a starting point but Feinstein hasn't released specifics because she doesn't want people to have a head start identifying all the bull****. It should be here very soon now that Obama has had his say.


What Feinstein has said is that it will be much more strict than the 1994 ban. For example, they reduced the number of allowable evil rifle features from two down to one, and some other stuff. You can review rough proposals on Feinsteins website if you have the stomach for it.


922r was related to import restrictions, not the gun itself. So you should be good there. Instead we will get the shaft on some other grounds, such as your gun can hold more than 5 rounds.

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922r was related to import restrictions, not the gun itself. So you should be good there. Instead we will get the shaft on some other grounds, such as your gun can hold more than 5 rounds.


Hypothetically speaking let’s say that law passes. With exception to the H2Os, aren't most US benelli's 5+1 anyway? How would that affect current production? Does that mean that anyone with an aftermarket full length mag tube (even if installed pre-ban) would be required to take it off?

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aren't most US benelli's 5+1 anyway


Ghost loading puts the mag capacity over five on an unmodified Benelli semi-auto (as do mini-shells which may or may not actually work in your own shotgun).


The way the language the gungrabbers came up with beginning in '89 would have categorized the Winchester Model 12 pump* with a mag capacity of six with the plug removed as an 'assault weapon'.


Don't kid yourself and think for a moment that the gungrabbers are going to *somehow* overlook your Benelli shotgun(s). The gungrabbers want us to be COMPLETELY disarmed - yes, that means ALL your guns including your revolvers and scoped 'deer' (sniper) rifles.


*there's been at least one case where a BATF agent committed perjury on the stand in court and called the Model 12 "a machinegun" because it can fire more than one round per single pull of the trigger (WHEN YOU PUMP IT WHILE HOLDING THE TRIGGER DOWN) since it doesn't have a disconnector

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Hypothetically speaking let’s say that law passes. With exception to the H2Os, aren't most US benelli's 5+1 anyway? How would that affect current production? Does that mean that anyone with an aftermarket full length mag tube (even if installed pre-ban) would be required to take it off?


What law passes? There is no law. Right now there's just talk of a law, proposals. There are an infinite number of possibilities as to the language of any possible law(s) to be put forth for an actual vote. I suggest that we don't get wrapped around the axle of what might happen until there's something concrete to discuss. Right now the important thing to do is quit wringing our hand about what might happen and contact our elected representatives and let them understand that there would be consequences should they vote for any law that infringes upon our rights as US citizens including the 2nd, 4th and 5th amendments. And I'm not talking violence. I'm talking electoral consequences. Many of the more stupid "proposals" that are out there are clearly unconstitutional and there's no doubt would be struck down by the courts. In the meantime, after whatever finally passes, we can work on removing from office those who would allow such laws to pass.

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What law passes? There is no law. Right now there's just talk of a law, proposals. There are an infinite number of possibilities as to the language of any possible law(s) to be put forth for an actual vote. I suggest that we don't get wrapped around the axle of what might happen until there's something concrete to discuss. Right now the important thing to do is quit wringing our hand about what might happen and contact our elected representatives and let them understand that there would be consequences should they vote for any law that infringes upon our rights as US citizens including the 2nd, 4th and 5th amendments. And I'm not talking violence. I'm talking electoral consequences. Many of the more stupid "proposals" that are out there are clearly unconstitutional and there's no doubt would be struck down by the courts. In the meantime, after whatever finally passes, we can work on removing from office those who would allow such laws to pass.


Yes there is no law right now. But we do know Feinstein is working on reinstating the original 1994 ban plus more. I am wondering about the legality of carrier comp and other aftermarket tubes that accept more than 5 rounds under the original 1994 ban.


My discussion of hypotheticals does not mean I have accepted such an outcome. I always prepare for the worst and fight for the best. I just signed up for an NRA life membership and wrote all my state and federal legislators.

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Ghost loading puts the mag capacity over five on an unmodified Benelli semi-auto (as do mini-shells which may or may not actually work in your own shotgun).


What current production Benellis still allow ghost loading? I know the M3 no longer has that capability without modification. And does ghost loading increase magazine capacity? Technically the extra round is not sitting in the magazine...

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What current production Benellis still allow ghost loading? I know the M3 no longer has that capability without modification. And does ghost loading increase magazine capacity? Technically the extra round is not sitting in the magazine...


The M4 allows for ghost loading, at least mine does and it hasn't been modified.


The gungrabbers don't give a diddlelysquat about 'technically' - if your shotty is black, has a PG, and is semi-auto that's plenty evil enough for them. They aren't going away anytime soon, so we must remain vigilant as they are VERY determined - just note the level of BS they are hurling -



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In NY, the 10/22 will be banned, currently there isn't a way to pin the 10 round magazine and or any 7 round magazines available.


Therefore if your M4 has 7 round tube, without a plug you are a felon in NY.


Forgot to add:

Pennsylvania gun owners threatened to boycott the state's largest hunting and fishing expo Tuesday after organizers announced that they would ban the display and sale of assault rifles & 30 round magazines (which is currently legal in Pa) at this year's show.



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The county commissioners court nearby was considering canceling the contract with the gun show promoter scheduled to take place on county property when the Texas AG stepped in and told them they have to honor their contracts with the promoter. Fortunately for the people of Texas we have a very pro-gun AG.

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hmmm... I wasnt aware of this, I was planning on going to this show. I already own 2 AR's, wasnt going to purchase anything AR related, but I always like to look at the new stuff. THis really sucks and it probably will become the norm now.


Trop gun shop in Elizabethtown, Pa announced on Facebook they will not be attending the Harrisburg show now because of the demands to not allow modern sporting rifles, 30rnd mags etc.

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The New York State Police list the Benelli M2-Tactical as being an assault weapon, but they don't list the M4.




According to what I've read so far on "feature" (note: this is very import term in the new NY ban), a "threaded muzzle" is a feature. It doesn't specify that the threads must be on the outside of the barrel. Therefore one could reason any shotgun with threads for chokes is now illegal in New York State.


Large frame pistols will also be banned (IE, 50 cal desert eagles). An unloaded weight over 50 ounces is considered a 'feature.' a DE weights about 73 oz.

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Given the M4 is THE military shotgun..........I don't see it having a snowballs chance in h e l l of staying off of any ban list. That said, I don't see it happening to begin with so I'm optimistic.


What he said. There is no way the king of semi auto shotguns will be excluded from any ban. Also, an assault weapons ban will not happen unless it's on a state level.


That's just my opinion of course.

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hmmm... I wasnt aware of this, I was planning on going to this show. I already own 2 AR's, wasnt going to purchase anything AR related, but I always like to look at the new stuff. THis really sucks and it probably will become the norm now.



FYI, from Cabela's:

Due to recent changes made by Reed Exhibitions regarding the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, Cabela’s will no longer sponsor this year’s event. After careful consideration regarding Cabela’s business practices, and the feelings of our customers, Cabela’s will, unfortunately, not have a presence at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.

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Hijacked from another forum, but interesting fact.


According to the FBI, in 2011 a total of 323 people were killed by rifles, in that same year 496 people were killed by hammers, therefore I present to you the Assault Hammer! In Tactical Black of course, with several added features to make it more deadly, it has a bayonet, a killer red dot sight, a forward pistol grip, a sniper bipod, a homicidal adjustable stock and a laser for unerring accuracy.



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