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Everything posted by CH/QuakerBoyProstaff

  1. This stuff is pretty sweet also! It just looks more Pro if you get your stuff dipped.The contrast between the orig factory finish and the tape is detectable. If you are more concerned with looks over function,go with the dip.If you just want to hide the extention,Camo Clad the day away! Just my opinion,my friend. Good luck with your choice!
  2. Make sure the elevator that lifts the shell into the chamber port is coming back down into position after you put the first shell into the chamber. Mine was doing the same thing. I had to pump it very hard after the first shot or the elevator would not come down fast enough,and the second shell would be swatted down out of the gun.
  3. If you have a Gander Mtn. store near you,they can have it done in their gunsmithing dept. Check them out online,as you can have it sent in too.
  4. Sometime if you guys get bored check this out. We get some good stuff in here. http://www.quakerboy.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8
  5. Gobblers have an amazing ability to pinpoint where a sound comes from.If you strike one and he answers you with some intensity,listen to what bowhuntr said,and chill out,as he knows where you are.If you get him too fired up,he might just puff up and prance back and forth waiting for you.Another thing is he may have a hen or two with him that he is afraid to leave.In this case,listen for the "boss hen" to make noise such as cutting,yelping,kee-kee runs,etc. and mimic her.Try to get her mad and come looking for you,and she might just drag him with her!
  6. The birds were most likely geeked out from black wolves givin' them fits! That's at least what I'd tell my buddies.And it sounds way better than the overplayed "henned up"! LOL Thanks for sharing!
  7. Welcome! You certainly have come to the right place! I look forward to talking to you!
  8. How often did you yelp and how many yelps were in each batch of calling?
  9. Just keep grinding and smiling! Remember things can turn good or bad in the blink of an eye,and if you're not under a tree when it happens,you will never know what could have happened. Good Luck!
  10. No matter which you buy, you will still want the other:D
  11. For sure! It is something that can't be easily explained.The sacrifice that we make to get out there and grind,just isn't understood by most.I get so insulted when I hear someone call it a "hobby". There is plenty of time to work,there is not so much time to hunt and enjoy the outdoors,so those that go the extra mile to maximize their time out there deserve the spoils that go with it!
  12. That is the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time!
  13. Enjoy your Foam Fits! These calls sound better and better the more you run them.
  14. These calls are ok. They aren't really special. If you just hunt in your local woods,I'd say go for it,but if you travel any distance,I would suggest going with something more readily available.I make it a point to test everyone's calls to see how we can improve ours,and from what I have found,you can't go wrong with the new H.S. calls,and the Primos line. Of course I couldn't forget to mention the new Quaker Boy Foam Fits:D,but I want to be honest+fair Good luck with your choice!
  15. I hunt The Pocono's. My fave is the Delaware Nat. Recreation Area. You can get away from the crowds and find lots of interesting hunts,without having to hike 10 yrs to get to the spots.It's also neat to watch the turkeys and pheasants fly across the river from Pa to NJ,when you mess up! It's not too often that when you spook an animal it actually flees to the next state!
  16. If you guys are looking for green,check out DK Flatwoods Camo.This is what I use hunting "Down South" I am going to use it in Pa mixed with Advantage Timber.
  17. congratulations for sure, Keep the gun rolling!
  18. It's no secret that I use Quaker Boy calls, but for some really nice custom calls I like Rut-N-Strut,Boss Tom,and the Dick Kirby custom series. I am a striker collector,so I try to get something unique from each area I travel to,as a momento.
  19. I use a Quake Claw sling,but I also installed a regular swivel to the bottom of the stock.
  20. That's what seperates the Hunters from the Punters.You have to grind to what Mother Nature throws at you! Rain just makes the feathers easier to get off!lol
  21. Knowing New Hampshire,they'll likely blame a hunter for chasing the turkey out of the woods. A tornado could go down the middle of Main St,and hunters would get blamed for it,somehow!
  22. I prefer to hunt in the rain,as long as it's not a monsoon.Look for a break in the rain,and hit field edges and logging roads to get a clear view,as sight will become more important when the ground gets quiet.
  23. Search back through the Turkey Hunting thread over the last couple of months,as this has been covered in pretty good detail. Take care and good shooting.
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