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Magazine Capacity Issue!


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Just picked up my new in the box M4 today:

Looking under “COMMON SPECIFICATIONS” on Benelli’s website it states:

“Magazine Capacity: 5 + 1”.

I am only able to load (4) 2 ¾” shells into the magazine. A (5th) round won’t even begin to start into the magazine.

Am I missing something?

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@ Hookster, did you mean new to the M4. I've been shooting shotguns for 49 years. Pump, Semi, O/U & SxS and have never had an experience like this. Given the math of 1/8" x 4 = 1/2 ", leaving 2 1/4 left in the tube, the 5th round won't even begin to start. Trying Winchester Super X 1oz slugs.

Still looking for a fix. Am I hearing right? The tube is supposed to hold 5 rounds of 2 3/4" shells?

Thanks for the feedback...

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Your math doesn't necessarily work that way when you factor in spring compression. Seriously, try some other ammo and see if you have different results. Hookster means by "new users" that it is a common thing to those new to the Benelli M4. Tight tolerances mean less wiggle room with capacity than the shottys you are used to. You can also experiment with spring length. Often times you can trim length with no ill feeding effect. I'd try a few different brands of shells tho first.

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M4W did you unscrew the magazine cap / false extension and examine the magazine spring seal ring? I'm wondering if yours is seated in further than it should be. Also maybe your spring is somehow bent or deformed in such a way that the follower gets stuck prematurely?

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M4W did you unscrew the magazine cap / false extension and examine the magazine spring seal ring? I'm wondering if yours is seated in further than it should be. Also maybe your spring is somehow bent or deformed in such a way that the follower gets stuck prematurely?


When you do this, make sure there isn't a "plug" in the magazine tube. Stranger things have happened. Back in the day when I got my oldy but goody HK import M1 with the full-length 7 round mag tube, it still had a plug installed limiting the magazine to two rounds.

Edited by truckcop
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Hey M4W.... Yeah I meant new to M4s....This seems to be an issue that comes up on the forum with some regularity although, usually the poster has just installed a full length tube which magnifies the shell length issue as the number of rounds in the tube increases. I think Benelliwerkes posted a nice pic at one time illustrating the differences in lengths of different brands of shells.


Take Care,

Hookster :)

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That'll do it too. The crimp on slugs is different than the crimp on shotshells. 2 & 3/4 inches is the length of the shell prior to crimping.

So load slugs in it anyway. So what if you're down 1 to begin with? (leaving out entirely the argument that some will make regarding your choice of ammo for home :rolleyes:)

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@ Hookster, did you mean new to the M4. I've been shooting shotguns for 49 years. Pump, Semi, O/U & SxS and have never had an experience like this. Given the math of 1/8" x 4 = 1/2 ", leaving 2 1/4 left in the tube, the 5th round won't even begin to start. Trying Winchester Super X 1oz slugs.

Still looking for a fix. Am I hearing right? The tube is supposed to hold 5 rounds of 2 3/4" shells?

Thanks for the feedback...


It happens and it's not limited to the M4.


The problem is that not all 2 3/4" shells are created equal. The first time I experienced this issue was with my Mossberg 930 SPX. When I loaded it with Federal Flitecontrol loads, which are longer than average, I got one less in the tube. In this instance, because I was so close to being able to get the last shell in the tube, a change to a different style magazine follower did the trick and I can now load the Mossberg's tube to full capacity.


In the case of the M4, if you're still using the stock "dummy" tube extension, eliminating the use of the magazine spring seal ring will give you enough extra space to easily load your fifth shell. Afterwards, just remember to keep a firm grip on the dummy extension if you decide to remove it! :D

Edited by XTrooper
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Remember the "2-3/4" is the standardized length of a cartridge AFTER it has been fired......which is sized for the chamber / ejection port lengths of the gun. I am not aware of a industry standard unfired cartridge size as it relates to magazine capacity specifications, as spring coils etc will influence the available space in the magazine tube. As mentioned above, when you are not getting the full advertised magazine capacity, it's usually cartridge selection.


From the depths of the peanut gallery........


Edited by benelliwerkes
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  • 11 years later...

I use the Winchester defender segmented slug which is 2 3/4 long and got 5 in, then I just picked up Stars and Stripes defense buckshot 00 buck 9 pellets and it says 2 3/4 but only four can fit, when I stand them next to each other you can clearly see they are not the same height. I leave my magazine tube filled and this is now twice I have unloaded the segmented slugs and the shells buckle, anyone else experience this the first one was buckled in the middle of the shell, this time the tip of the shell was crushed/buckled at the top. 


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5 hours ago, RogerTBannon said:

I use the Winchester defender segmented slug which is 2 3/4 long and got 5 in, then I just picked up Stars and Stripes defense buckshot 00 buck 9 pellets and it says 2 3/4 but only four can fit, when I stand them next to each other you can clearly see they are not the same height. I leave my magazine tube filled and this is now twice I have unloaded the segmented slugs and the shells buckle, anyone else experience this the first one was buckled in the middle of the shell, this time the tip of the shell was crushed/buckled at the top. 


Likely just a sad feature for this ammo.  My guess is it’s got room to get smashed in there.  I have not come across this problem 

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21 hours ago, RogerTBannon said:

I use the Winchester defender segmented slug which is 2 3/4 long and got 5 in, then I just picked up Stars and Stripes defense buckshot 00 buck 9 pellets and it says 2 3/4 but only four can fit, when I stand them next to each other you can clearly see they are not the same height. I leave my magazine tube filled and this is now twice I have unloaded the segmented slugs and the shells buckle, anyone else experience this the first one was buckled in the middle of the shell, this time the tip of the shell was crushed/buckled at the top. 


There's a youtube video showing shotshells deforming in a box magazine over time, the 590M IIRC. A good rule of thumb is to inspect loaded shells every 6 months or so and replace deformed ones.

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On 8/10/2024 at 6:15 PM, RogerTBannon said:

I use the Winchester defender segmented slug which is 2 3/4 long and got 5 in, then I just picked up Stars and Stripes defense buckshot 00 buck 9 pellets and it says 2 3/4 but only four can fit, when I stand them next to each other you can clearly see they are not the same height. I leave my magazine tube filled and this is now twice I have unloaded the segmented slugs and the shells buckle, anyone else experience this the first one was buckled in the middle of the shell, this time the tip of the shell was crushed/buckled at the top. 


Is heat a factor? Are you storing your loaded shotgun in a vehicle subject to getting high interior temperatures in the summer? Or is this happening in a climate controlled environment?

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On 8/11/2024 at 2:15 AM, RogerTBannon said:

I use the Winchester defender segmented slug which is 2 3/4 long and got 5 in, then I just picked up Stars and Stripes defense buckshot 00 buck 9 pellets and it says 2 3/4 but only four can fit, when I stand them next to each other you can clearly see they are not the same height. I leave my magazine tube filled and this is now twice I have unloaded the segmented slugs and the shells buckle, anyone else experience this the first one was buckled in the middle of the shell, this time the tip of the shell was crushed/buckled at the top. 


I remember hearing same happening for shells. If mag tube remains fully loaded all the time for a long time, shells experience constant and full stress of fully loaded spring hence damaging the casing. Recommendation for long term storage with loaded mag was to load less than full mag to decrease spring tension on shells. Say if your mag is 6, load 4 or 3. 

Edited by CEBEP
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On 1/23/2013 at 6:50 AM, benelliwerkes said:

Remember the "2-3/4" is the standardized length of a cartridge AFTER it has been fired......which is sized for the chamber / ejection port lengths of the gun. I am not aware of a industry standard unfired cartridge size as it relates to magazine capacity specifications, as spring coils etc will influence the available space in the magazine tube. As mentioned above, when you are not getting the full advertised magazine capacity, it's usually cartridge selection.


From the depths of the peanut gallery........


If I am am not mistaken it is actually the length of the trimmed hull before they load and crimp it. That would make sense as it would be a repeatable measurement whereas with possible case stretch, after firing measurements may not be exact.

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  • 2 weeks later...

American or European, no manufacturer is going to stray too far from SAAMI specs.

The spec length of an unfired, folded crimp, 2 3/4" 12 Gauge shell is 2.405", tolerance of +0/-0.250".

The spec length of a roll-crimped shell is 2.450", same tolerance. The spec length of a fired shell is 2.760", +0/-0.100".

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