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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/23 in all areas

  1. Man you seem to be a m4 expert….And that cheap optic is cheap shit.You couldn’t give me one .I’ll stick with my aimpoints on m4s.You’ll probably have a fault in them
    4 points
  2. Man just stop feeding it and it will go away.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. If we're taking inventory I have 15 Aimpoints (eight Micros, three PROs, four CompM4s) and 2 EOTechs, and some other stuff, but no low end red dots, don't trust 'em. And NO, I'm not a gunsmith.
    1 point
  5. Ah…. I did the civil service thing for a while. Got away from Gov work.
    1 point
  6. Just some punk who is butt hurt because everyone isn’t praising his budget optic.
    1 point
  7. Thanks…..appreciate all you do. Please watch your six down there…..
    1 point
  8. Thank you Sir for your service and sacrifice. I joined in '98, and things have changed so much between then and now. Especially in regards to Rules of Engagement with a shotgun against enemy combatants outside of a declared time of war. We had certain "deliberate" actions we had to take with a shotgun due to international "opinions" and such...
    1 point
  9. I retired in 05, so it’s been a while for me. We always used to stay in the Continental. I think my last trip down was in ‘99
    1 point
  10. Sure enough, IF the Det Commander let's you go. During my tour in Panama City, there was a lot of civil unrest locally and the State Dept "highly frowned" upon U.S. personnel from venturing out too much (yeah, right). Although it wasn't recommended we go fishing or on most tours, some U.S. Representatives came down on a "Diplomatic Mission" but spent most of their time catching a lot of Peacock Bass. That was the only time I personally got the chance to go, as I was "at work" with the DoS & PSD escort detail.😁
    1 point
  11. Thank you for your Service. I appreciate your thoughts on the hand guards. Been to Panama many times, but years ago. Is Peacock bass fishing still a thing?
    1 point
  12. Found one of the original SRO Tools in a box of random gun stuff. This one had a slight defect so it never got sold. They were 3D printed out of a nickel alloy and they are now 3D printed in stainless steel. And they are also longer for better control.
    1 point
  13. I have one of the original ones, I’ve only used it once, but it is truly a phenomenal product. I wouldn’t say it’s a game changer but it’s damn close.
    1 point
  14. So, instead of answering a question to somebody who is new to shotguns, you revert to insulting me. Wow. You are a real stand-up guy huh?
    1 point
  15. Very nice. After scratching up one of my SRO covers, I bought one of your tools a while back and it’s around here somewhere. Used it twice and it’s been great.
    1 point
  16. Nice work! Its amazing what 3D printers are capable of and how fast they're improving.
    1 point
  17. Maybe own more. Cheap ones then anyone on board .I’m a gunsmith too so what
    1 point
  18. Tell the British SAS they are doing it wrong.
    1 point
  19. So you have an Eotech on a SCAR 17 but you’re giving someone grief because they want to put on on a Benelli M4. 😂 I guess it make as much sense as your flex on cheap & mid level optics 🤷🏻‍♂️
    1 point
  20. The cassette tape of the electronic sight world. 8-Track Reel to reel.
    1 point
  21. So you have no facts or basis so you resort to insults? How many times do I have to ask? What is your basis behind your statement? So you’re a gunsmith big friggin deal. I’ve worked airplanes for nearly 40 years. Thus far, your claims carry no weight. You’ve produced no factual basis for your opinion.
    1 point
  22. Ok……so only base is your opinion. I’ll stick with my RMRs and SRO.
    1 point
  23. A Kia is half the price of a Cadillac, does that make it better? What are the facts on the better? Solid data or “your opinion”?
    1 point
  24. For my Marine Security Guard assignments to the U.S. Consulate (Embassy now) in Panama City and the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, we had our M1014's (M4's) equipped with the stock Benelli split handguards. They were set up that way for a reason and they worked 100% without fail, as Benelli had intended. The stock handguards may not be "high speed" or have lots of accessory mounting options, but they are actually the best thing for the M4 especially if it can protect the Agro dual piston gas system in both Central America and the Middle East. My detachments were not always indoors with the rest of the State Dept personnel and Contracted Security crews, as we routinely trained with national & local forces (and even other countries' forces) in their varied environments with our issued gear. Our M1014's handled everything like a champ, even when we had a couple of actual incursions by militants and insurgents. For OIF and OEF (& to some extent, OIR), the M1014/M4's stock handguards took on and survived some of the harshest operating conditions and environments and still performed outstandingly well in protecting the dual pistons. Although I was equipped with my M240B, we saw "teams" with their Benelli's looking like they've been through literal #ell but they were still "taking out the trash" with them. As MSG, the only thing we couldn't do with our '1014's was modify the stock set up and functionality of them, lest we'd potentially cause an international incident. That should tell us all something about the stock handguards, as they just simply work and do their designed job. And that's to provide us Marines a perfect ergonomic place to grip to shotgun while we buttstroke the enemy in the teeth... (per DoS, DoD, and RoE regs, of course) (sorry about the wall of text and rant) I'm currently using the Agency Arms handguard on my M4, as it is a backup HD shotgun that needed a WML and a foregrip for my Dad. I can see myself with another M4 very soon as a "slick" SBS w/ stock split handguard & stippling.
    1 point
  25. finally it let me add pictures.....odd kidding????? its HALF the price and same quality of build. did i mention it COMES with a PIC RAIL attachment for easy install..........
    -1 points
  26. Im a gunsmith, and own more optics and red-dots than almost everyone on this board combined (not literally but close to be sure). Opinions? I dont care about anyone's opinions, only facts and logic (and wisdom). Comparing a Kia and a Caddy? well BOTH ARE JUNK, .....however a Kia is statistically more reliable than a junk american made Caddy. bad analogy there honey. In your poor analogy however a cheapo KIA IS 100000% better than a junk made unreliable Caddy.
    -1 points
  27. wrong, based on facts honey. I dont confuse doxa (opinions) with episteme (facts).
    -1 points
  28. I own 15 Eotechs (on ARs and HK762, and SCAR17)..., ....but id have to go FULL BLOWN FOOL to think of putting one on any shotgun!!!! I see peeps putting one on a benelli etc, and my sphincter puckers, ........ why not put an elephant in the back seat of a VW bug,.
    -1 points
  29. If you dont know why putting an EOTECH on the top of any shotgun is a HORRIFIC idea, ....then you have issues nobody can fix.
    -1 points
  30. 1. equal build quality (better in fact since i own an RMR) 2. comes with pic rail already on red-dot 3. i dont have to remove the existing pic rail 4. i dont need to lower my eyes closer to bore axis to view 5. far far far far less $$$$$$ Since youve never had HANDS ON with one, nothing you say has ANY WEIGHT, .......NONE. You, like most "tacti-cool" entities always think "more $$$$ = more better" , but such is the case of superficial minds.
    -1 points
  31. Im a gunsmith, are YOU son???? I have 4 AIMPOINTs, 2 RMR Trijicons, ...15 Eotechs, 6 VORTEX red dots, 2 Trijicon MROs You havent got a single clue in Hades what youre talking about and FURTHER, YOUVE NEVER HAD YOUR HANDS ON ONE (the defender Vortex) which makes your words LESS than useless
    -1 points
  32. Never had your hands on one, useless blather talk . Fools confuse CHEAP (in price) with CHEAP (quality) you are such a one
    -1 points
  33. Gunsmith, owner of 15 eotechs, 5 vortex RAZORs ,several P.R.O. Aimpoints etc etc. Vortex just came out with the DEFENDER, it comes standard with a PIC RAIL MOUNT, but also 10 extra (yes literally) baggies with diff screws for pistol mounts blah blah .. its $250 !!! Quality is EPIC, even better than the VORTEX RAZORs i have mounted on my M4's ... Looooooooooove it, its the cats azz! I mounted this one on my new Beretta 1301 tactical, but be just as great on my M4's did i mention its $250 and its quality????????? why wont this stinking board let me add photos??? Hmmm error 200' what the hell????? cant insert images
    -1 points
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