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At the end of my rope-Benelli M2


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Right about now, I'm thinking my new Benelli M2 was the worst mistake I've ever made with regards to a firearm. I have tried every combination of every stock shim and althought I now have a good sight picture down the rib, I cannot force the pattern to hit anywhere near Point Of Aim. I've shot 1 box each of 3 different brand game loads and all shoot the same; 85-90% of the pattern about POI with a modified choke at 25 yds. Using the full choke and Winchester Supreme 3" shells, I have to aim 8" low and 4" to the right to hit even hit the head of the turkey target. I have tried 2 different after market front sights and both shift the POI about 8" low. The original POS sight is .112" about the rib. The lowest aftermarket sight I've found is .192" above the rib. That .080" difference results in an overall shift in the POI of 16"!!! I bought it at Sportsmans Warehouse in Lewisville and their only help/advice is "Let us send it back to the factory". That's the kind of help I'd expect from Wal-Mart but it's too late to do anything about that now. By the way, no amount of stock shimming has had any effect on the POI.


Has anyone else run into this problem and if so, did you get it corrected?

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Right about now, I'm thinking my new Benelli M2 was the worst mistake I've ever made with regards to a firearm. I have tried every combination of every stock shim and althought I now have a good sight picture down the rib, I cannot force the pattern to hit anywhere near Point Of Aim. I've shot 1 box each of 3 different brand game loads and all shoot the same; 85-90% of the pattern about POI with a modified choke at 25 yds. Using the full choke and Winchester Supreme 3" shells, I have to aim 8" low and 4" to the right to hit even hit the head of the turkey target. I have tried 2 different after market front sights and both shift the POI about 8" low. The original POS sight is .112" about the rib. The lowest aftermarket sight I've found is .192" above the rib. That .080" difference results in an overall shift in the POI of 16"!!! I bought it at Sportsmans Warehouse in Lewisville and their only help/advice is "Let us send it back to the factory". That's the kind of help I'd expect from Wal-Mart but it's too late to do anything about that now. By the way, no amount of stock shimming has had any effect on the POI.


Has anyone else run into this problem and if so, did you get it corrected?

Actually Spotsmans warehouse can do more than walmart and i would either let them do what they could for ya and be happy or just call CS yourself and bad mouth Sportmans and Walmart? Seems you have issues with recoil from other post? is this cause for a flentch/jerk try some 2 3/4 rounds and see if they pattern the same. Which spacers do you have installed at present?:)

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I called Sportsmans. Sportsmans ONLY advice was to let them send it back to the factory. They did not offer 1 single tip or course of action that might help. I asked them if I could bring it in so they could look at it and they said "no, there's nothing we can do with it". If I "let them do what they could" for me, I'd be sending the gun back to Italy. If that's what you call customer service, you are very easy to please. I don't know what CS is so I can't comment on that wonderful piece of advice. You are quite astute to notice that I don't care for the recoil either. I shoot a variety of large caliber rifles so I know what recoil is and I'm not afraid of it. My comment to that point was that Benelli's claim of reduced recoil is not exactly accurate. One topic has nothing to do with the other so I don't know where you're coming from with that one. As I stated in my post (but not clearly enough I guess) the 2-3/4 game load rounds all pattern high. The 3" loads all pattern high but also impact left of POI. Whether it's 2-3/4" or 3", the POI is high. I have the Z shim in using the DX side of the plate. I have tried the A, B, and C shims and have tried the SX side of the plates also. Also as I'm sure you noticed in my post, while shim adjustment affects my sight picture down the barrel, they have not had any effect on the POI. I welcome some more fruitful help/advice.

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[quote=PrimitiveHunter;74175]I called Sportsmans. Sportsmans ONLY advice was to let them send it back to the factory. They did not offer 1 single tip or course of action that might help. I asked them if I could bring it in so they could look at it and they said "no, there's nothing we can do with it". If I "let them do what they could" for me, I'd be sending the gun back to Italy. If that's what you call customer service, you are very easy to please. I don't know what CS is so I can't comment on that wonderful piece of advice. You are quite astute to notice that I don't care for the recoil either. I shoot a variety of large caliber rifles so I know what recoil is and I'm not afraid of it. My comment to that point was that Benelli's claim of reduced recoil is not exactly accurate. One topic has nothing to do with the other so I don't know where you're coming from with that one. As I stated in my post (but not clearly enough I guess) the 2-3/4 game load rounds all pattern high. The 3" loads all pattern high but also impact left of POI. Whether it's 2-3/4" or 3", the POI is high. I have the Z shim in using the DX side of the plate. I have tried the A, B, and C shims and have tried the SX side of the plates also. Also as I'm sure you noticed in my post, while shim adjustment affects my sight picture down the barrel, they have not had any effect on the POI. I welcome some more fruitful help/advice.


Seems your adjustments have not taken care of your problem and now that you know Sportmans was their for the sale i would call CS! they do not send gun to Italy and turn around time should be around 3 to 4 weeks from what other poster have been posting! What range were ya patterning at? I am not easy to please especially after spending 1300.00 for a SBE!! that has never had an issue knock on wood!! I did get rid of that lame front sight that it came with i could not see it it was so small. SX is only for Lt handed shooters cast adjustment, if you have the z shim in that is supposed to be the highest upward adjustment so you should go down which you allready said you have and it did nothing so I would call CS and give them a chance, your stock could need trimming where the shims are fitted just a thought?? leave the ropes alone and call Benelli CS cause Sportmans can only ship it for ya or do minor adjustments like install a scope they sold you, they are not an authorized repair facility and they would void your warranty if they did mess with it!!

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CS is Customer Service.

They are in Maryland, not Italy.


If you can't get the gun to shoot straight, and Sportsmans Warehouse can, then you've still got a problem. This is why they want to send it back to Benelli.


Honestly, at this point is sounds as though you have little chance of being happy with the gun.


Sell it or trade it and move on.

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PH; I think you need to go to the range set up you pattern sheet @ 16 yards, make sure you take a rifle bench shooting position to ensure same mount each time you shoot your pattern, this is an old English methold proven many times.

Correction of POI is 1/8" for every 2" off of center,ie: if pattern high you need to drop comb higth 1/8" for every 2" of movement@ 16 yards. Make sure you have your gun mounted the same every time, also check out Lyman fiber optic sight made to correct eye cross-dominance. You should be able to correct this problem yourself,

enjoy your gun. Acorn

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Not to impune your skills as a shotgun shooter; however, in cases like this there are a couple of first steps to take to ensure the problem is with the gun...and not with the shooter:


Have you disassembled the gun, cleaned it (absolutely), and then lubed it again, before shooting it the first time?


Are you using new ammo?


Have you cleaned the shotgun bore between shootings?


Have you thoroughly checked out the bore to ensure that their are not any burrs, etc. in it?


Have you asked an expert shooter (the club pro at trap/skeet/sporting clays venues) to shoot the shotgun to verify that the POI is wrong or right?


Hopefully, one of these will solve your problem.

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No disrespect to anyone; however, a shotgun is properly shouldered with the focus on the target. However, if shooting at a turkey head, for instance, and aiming down the rib like a rifle sight from a bench rest, how it is shouldered is meanless, for all practical purposes, except for recoil feel--stock properly in the "pocket" between point of shoulder and chest. The impact should be spot on.


In wing shooting, keeping the focus on the clay/target is crucial, gun fit can be very important. Using the stock inserts, if needed, fix a large blank paper at 25 yds with a clay size spot in the middle. Focus on the clay, not the bbl, shoulder the gun properly and shoot--not aim! Impact will represent were your body points the gun and it can be adjusted by the shims. Absolutely must point, not aim or sight, therein the body follows the focus.


If aiming off a bench rest does not cause proper impact send it to Benelli.


If it does impact properly from the bench then Google for wing shooting books, gun fitting and/or video tapes. "Shooting Straight" by Brit master wing shooting instructor Roger Silcox is extremely good--in video form.


All of the above can be accomplished with 1/2 box of shells.


OR go to a sporting clays range and have their instructor help you--a few dollars and immediate answers.

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I understand your problem and I dont think you have many options. I currently own

a SBE that shoots dead-on but the Benelli that I had previously, shot about 100%

low. In my opinion, arranging shims to adjust the fit of the gun is not going to

correct your problem. I will completely agree that gun fit is extremely important

for wing shooting because your eye is, in fact, the rear sight.


But, we are talking about turkey hunting and shooting the shotgun like a rifle. Here

the gun should (must ) shoot exactly where the rib and/or sights are lined up.

In my opinion, you do have a significant problem and one that is troublesome

to deal with.


In my opinion, here are your options;


1. use an adjustable type of sighting device such as aimpoint or propoint

or some other adjustable sight. You can then correct the POI with POA


2. Go to Briley and get a eccentric choke. this is a choke that is bored

out of center which alter the shot in the direction you wish. Probably about 6"

at 40 yrds is max.


3. You can send the gun to a gunsmith ( look at Seminole ) and have the

barrel bent. They have precision equipment and can gently put a bend in the



4. I hate to say it but I would get rid of the gun. Possibly, you could convince

Benelli to replace the barrel or possibly the gun. I dont know their

policy , but I would not own a gun that doesnt shoot dead -on.




good luck

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that article describes the gun fit perfectly and the whole purpose of

gun fit can be summed up in the following sentence that was in that article....


"We can throw the gun to our shoulder for a quick shot and not have to readjust the position before firing. "


When we shoot birds on the wing, the whole shot is very fluid , dynamic movement.

Anything that gets the gun in the proper shooting position assists the shot. It is still possible , however, to shoot well with a gun that doesnt fit if you learn to.



But, all this gun fit stuff is not so relevant with the precise style of shooting turkeys.

In this situation, we do have time to adjust our eye to line up the shot. Indeed,

the significant difference between the two styles of shooting is instinctive shooting where you point the shotgun but with turkey hunting you aim the shotgun.

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Chokes have a HUGE deal to do with this equation and probably the next too most significant role, Winchester Supreme Elite Extended Range would probably be a close second. Of course if ya can't hit the broad side of a 4x4 pattern board why go? Would also help to understand operation of your shotgun a little and the quirks an Italian shotgun has over say an 870, the old ones were tough but the newer ones seem to be a bit skimmpy on quality. Took me a while to figure out the SBEII but it has never hickuped not one single time and i have shot a lotta different loads with no problems!! I did take my gun to range countless times before going hunting with it just to get to know it and it was challenging but best shotgun i have every owned by far!! will never trap shoot with it agian on city range , they only allow 1 shell in gun at a time and i had carpul tunnel by the end of 2 rounds!!

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I've had expensive shotguns with the chokes that were bored off axis from the factory. The tighter the choke constriction and the farther away the target the more pronounced the error will be. Take your barrel off your gun. Hold your barrel up to a light and look through the barrel FROM THE MUZZLE end of the barrel. With your choke installed you should see an EVEN circle. If the circle is wider on one side your barrel was bored off axis and Benelli needs to send you another barrel because a new choke will do you about 0 good. Good luck with your problem.

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My wife and I patterned our guns over the weekend. She has a Montefeltro and I have a Supersport. After re-adjusting the shims and changing our mount procedure as we shoot clays so we wanted to see how they shoot when we move N' mount like when we shoot Sporting. Well guess what before adjusting, hers was high left and mine was low right. We changed the shims around and BOOM!! damn newar 60/40 each time centered. We shot at 25yds.


I have dealt with Benelli's customer service and they kick BUTT! In any case if you don't want the gun and depending on the specs of this gun I will buy it from you and do the leg work with Benelli and get anothe barrel and use the gun myself.


Let me know. It amazes me how bent out of shape people get and when they take that attitude to the stores or Benelli they shut down mentally and get nothing accomplished. I work in a industry where the company I work for makes parts and you know what, we don't always get it right, but the majority of the time we do and on the times we won't we fix it. Benelli's CS is made of people just like me and you. Treat them right and not make it like it is personally their fault that you can't figure out how to shoot your gun or if it is actually your gun and blow up on them on line will get you now where.


I about blew my coffee out when somebody mentioned "Have you had someone at the local range that is an expert shoot your gun?". That isn't that hard of a thing to figure out. ****, that would of been the first thing I did before I come unglued.


When you reach your end of the rope, let me know and I will take the gun off your hands. I would love an M2.


By the way my wife is 5'2 and 96lbs and not ONCE has she ever complained about the recoil on her Montefeltro. Funny how proper fit can make a bike difference.



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I would send the gun back to Benelli for inspection.


All of mine have shot dead on with a few shim adjustments.


You just have a bad barrel and/or choke. It happens. It almost has to happen given how many guns they make.


mudhen - CA

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  • 3 years later...

I feel your pain. My M2 American was the same way. POI was about 5" high. Some of the pros won't agree but when your shooting at an animal your instict is to lift your head as your shooting at a passing deer or duck, which would make you shoot even higher. I took mine to a Gunsmith and explained to him my issue. After he crushed my heart, telling me that Benelli's are overrated and overpriced, he said he could fix it. I said "how"? and then he showed me this Mid-evil looking vise that you lay the barrel in. He twiked it ever so slightly and the gun is on point now. He said he bought the vise because of benelli. Not sure if the barrel is really bent of if when they backbore it at the factory its on a Friday evening at 5:15pm. Its fixed now and I enjoy the gun once again. He also told me that he has seen SBEII 24 inches off at 40 yards! Its sad that you pay that much for a gun and its off that much. I like Benelli's but it does raise my eyebrow. I'm not sure about the shims because that seems to me you are adjusting something else to fix the real problem.

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  • 2 years later...

Sir: I have the same problem with a Benelli M2 20 gauge. I am an avid squirrel hunter and I love the shotgun because it is light in weight and low on recoil. HOWEVER, when I first took the gun squirrel hunting, I noticed that I was missing some shots that i normally make. I came home and patterned the gun and it was about 8 inches high and 4 inches to the left at 40 yards. I have tried everything: Shims, had the barrel bend by a professional gunsmith, just tried to compensate while hunting and just got completely frustrated with all of it. Still have the shotgun but now that hunting season is back in, I plan to put it on the market next week. AND, as much as I liked everything about this shotgun, except the pattern, I will never own another Benelli. With my luck, if i bought another one, it would turn out the same way. Also, I have heard from several Benelli shotgun owners that the barrel on a Benelli shotgun is bad about bending. One fellow told me that his barrel got bent from just standing it up at an angle over a long period of time in his closet. Happy for all of you Benelli owners out there that like yours and have had good luck with it, but another Benelli for me, don't think so......

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........when I first took the gun squirrel hunting, I noticed that I was missing some shots that i normally make........One fellow told me that his barrel got bent from just standing it up at an angle over a long period of time in his closet. .....


This is why closet hangers lose their shape must be replaced every year....something about a closet.



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